Maitland Mercury from Maitland, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


-We Me. O'Counor, the Minister of Justice, was inter. have been shown by the Rev. A. W.

Brough the viewed on Friday morning by the executive com- programme of the Christian Endeavour Convention, mitten of the United Licensed Victuallers' to be held in Sydney by the New South Wales Association in respect to the present position of the Christian Endeavour Union. The Convention will licensing law and the necessity for ita amendment have the presence of the founder of the movement, in varinus directiona (anya the Herald). The depu- the Rev. Dr. Francis E.

Clark, of Boston, who will cation waked that Sunday trading should be allowed arrive to-day in Sydney by the Mariposa. The between the hours of 7 and 9 in the morning, 1 and proceedings of the Convention will consiat of 8 in the afternoon, and 8 and 10 at night. It was welcome meeting to Mr. Clark, public reception further desired that all clubs should be com- tea meeting, public services of prayer and praise, pelled to pay a licensing fee, that grocers of should be public welcome meeting, special reference and Chris- other that the distance in the travellers clause' should be tian work and how it may be rendered more efficient, prevented mulling less than two gallons liquor, meetings, short discussions with to reduced from twenty miles to three, that the right addresses to workers and Sunday School teachers, of appeal should be granted in respect of refusals of etc. Mr.

Brough tulle us that Dr. Clark will pay tranatere, renewals, and applications for licenses, visit to Maitland about the end of the present and that the annual meeting of the Licensing month. Bench should be held in January instead of June. TELEGRAPHIC CHANGES. -Mr.

J. J. Kennedy, who Mr. O'Connor said he agreed with the members of has been operator at the local telegraph office for the association of the that police, clubs that should there be should under be the an the past two and a-halt years, has permanently supervision exchanged duti-8 with Mr W. Crossin, of amendment with of appeal respect to be grocers' given.

As to the Gloucester, Previous to Mr. Kennedy's departure licenses, and that the right and should houre, these from West Maitland he was presented by the staff Sunday matters of trading policy extension which he of could not express were with a handsome silver-mounted pipe and matchbox, upon suitably inscribed, as a small token cf the esteem an opinion, but strongly deci- and respect in which he was held by his brother he held the view that they should have the right of appeal against the officers. Mr. A. H.

Nicholls, senior operator, made sions of the before licensing his and that, if time lay the presentation. Mr. Kennedy suitably responded, benches. He promised to the matter colleagues, made Mr. Henry Kelly has also exchanged duties with permitted, at attempt be to of the Mr.

C. W. kinson, of the head office, for would introduce An Amending Licensing Act embodying some period of three months. views of the deputation, and expressing the deci- sions of the Cabinet. -On Sunday afternoon a young man A FINE DEVON on the look out named John Chessell met with a painful accident for a chance of improving his famous studa at Tocal, on the East Maitland road, which is likely to preMr.

Frank Reynolda never hesitates to pay 8 big vent him following his usual vocation for some price for cattle or horses, and his energy and days. He was riding a bicycle, the tyre of which liberality have made the DAmE of his homestead became loose, with the result that Cheesell WAS famous. A few days ago at Mr. Yeo's sale Mr. burriedly and forcibly deposited on the thoroughReynolds gave a big price for the imported Devon fare.

The young fellow received a severe cat on bull Baron Golsoncott II (1895), which is spoken the chin, and his hands and knees were aleo out and of by judges of the famous red race A8 beautiful bruised. type of the breed, a great stock-getter and valu- THE UNIVERSITY annual able acquisition to the old stud. The bull was Golsoncott bred examinations in connection with the Sydney by John Riadon, England, Flitton Sire, Baron University commenced yesterday in West Maitland, (1681), by Duke of 15 (1542); dam, Queen as in the other country districta of the colony. The of Flitton (6927), by Nelson (1413): dam, Town Hall has been secured for the purpose. The Actress 2 (2478), by Duke of Flitton 8 (826); Palmerston gg dam, The examinations are conducted under the supervision CLampion Cow Actress (1749), by (476); of a committee, of which the Rev.

A. W. Brough is gag dam, The Gold Medal Cow Pink Temptress (1672), the secretary, a position he has occupied for some by Napoleon 3 (464); gREg dam, (955), dam, by years. In all there are in Maitland 54 candidates Nelson (83): ggggg dam, Pink (848) gggggg submitting themselves for examination, 20 girls and Princess (877) dam, balf-brother this (189), bull by 84 boys. Two are going in for the Civil service Flower Hundred Guineas (56).

A to examination, three for the senior, and 49 for the took Champion prize at the last Smithfield (Eng.) This junior, It in expected the proceedings will extend Fat Stock for R. fattest and Show in ox. in over the present and following week. Show heaviest ball took 3rd prize at A.8.E. Englend a large field.

Actress (1749) and Temptress (1672) SupremE COURT. -In Equity.were considered to be the two beat Devon cows in Before his no Honor Mr. Justice Owen, Chief Judge in England. Equity -Hobert V. Brown and others -Mr.

ARRIVAL OF THE R.M.S. MASSILIA AT ALBANY. Lingen, on behalf of the plaintiff, applied for an Albany, Saturday. The R. M.S.

Masailia, C. Fraser order Axing the date of hearing and for an order commander, arrived here from Colombo at 10 p.m. for de bene esse examination of John Eales, of this evening. Following are the passengers for Duckenfeld, near Morpeth, on the ground that the Sydney Mesars, Levy, M' Donald wife and child, witness was in a bad state of health, and that it was M'Crae, Mellerach, Sutters, Tribe, Roberta, Barry, expedient for the purpose justice such examinaDendyute, Buchanan, Duboc, Captaina Turner and tion should be made His Honor made an order for Jonustone, and Dr. Willis.

de bene esse examination, but did not fix a date for THE MARITIME TROUBLE ENDED. -The dispute the hearing. in the shipping trade in Melbourne in regard to SACRED HEART COLLEGE, WEST seamen's wages has come to an end, through the The annual burasiy examinations in connection shipping companies withdrawing their demands with the Sacred Heart College were held in and continuing to pay the old rate. The companies different parta of the Diocese of Maitland on last decided on a reduction in seamen's wages, to Tuesday and Wednesday. An a result two halftake effect from the lat September in the order in bursaries of the yearly value of £25 each, tenable which the vessels left the port of shipment.

The for one year, provided by the Right Rev. Dr. Tagliaferro was the frat boat leaving after the let, Murray, have been awarded to Peter F. Crapp, of and the owners carried out the arrangement. After St.

Mary's School, Newcastle, and John Kavanagh, some difficulty another crew was obtained, and the of the Convent School, Lambton: and two halfsteamer left port. Before this was accomplished, bursaries of the annual value of 220 each, tenable bowever, the Adelaide S.8. Company stated their in- for one year, provided by the priests of the Diocese, tention to withdraw from the agreement, and after have heen awarded to John M'Donald, of St. several days' negotiation, the Victorian 8.S. Ownere' Mary's School, Newcastle, and William O'Brien, of Association on Friday received final notice from the the Convent School, Scone.

local agent of the Adelaide Company that be WAS not prepared at present to reduce wages, though he BEAUTIFYING A HARBOUR ISLAND. -Clark Island, considered the rate too high. As the company has in Sydney harbour, which was vested some time ago 8 fleet of about 20 vessels, it was felt that it would in trustees as a recreation reserve, has been partly be useless to proceed without its co-operation. It cleared of the native vegetation, but, while the was resolved to take no further action at present in criginal wilderness bae not been materially interthe direction of reducing wages. The seamen are fered with, a jetty has been erected, a path made jubilant.

round nickers the in the island, and of conveniences made for piovery shape replaces. and stores or MAx O'ReLL. approaching visit to Maitland wood. On Saturday the Hon H. Copeland one of of the famous author of John Bull and His the trustees and Minister of Lands, aud a number Ialand" is already exciting unusual degree of of ladies and gentlemen, planted trees on the island, interest and cuciosity.

Arrangements are being which it is expected will presently become made we understand to give the distinguished favourite resort. humourist A fitting reception by the leading residents, who propose A public wel- RAYMOND TERRACE STEAM PUNT. -We have come and light luncheon next Thursday recently heard some lond complaints from persons afternoon. Max O'Rell will reach Maitland at whose busivesa necessitates their using the Ray1.80 pext Thursday, when a deputation will meet mond Terrace punt, concerning the condition of him and welcome him to the town. It is also the structure and the approaches thereto.

It proposed on one of the days of his stay to drive him has appears been that for some the eighteen months which past timber round the district that he may have some idea of lying on ground with it WAR valley of the Hunter. The succesa of the stock proposed to erect for gates for the convenience of the popular entertainer up North continues unabated. has traffic, but been some used. reason or other the timber At Armidale last Friday a crowded house assembled not AR yet Surely the authorities to listen to his comedy-lecture Brother Jonathan will take this matter up and carry out these muchand Her Royal Highness- Woman." Mr. Smythe desired improvements before the trade has been has arrived in to complete arrangewents for completely ruined.

the Maitland series of two comedy-lecturva, which MAITLAND CIRCUIT COURT. in the School of Arts next Thursday that his Honor We understand are to be given the Chief Justice, Sir F. and Friday. has decided to take the business of the Maitland Darley, AN ECCENTRIC, and -There prominent lately figure died in the Florenee foreign an Circuit Court, which is to be holden on Monday, interesting in the 26th instant. generally known, a wealthy gentleman who, a MORPETH Colony, Henry Livingston, L'Americano," As he was POLICE COURT.

-Before Mr. Brooke, member of a very distinguished and historical P.M.. at the Morpeth Police Court, on Friday, Translantic family, chose to settle down for the Michael Curran was charged with having entered last thirty years by the banks of the Arno. He will the enclosed lands of Henry Geary without lawful be best remembered by cansal visitors to Florence excuse. He was fined le, with 48 10d court costa.

as the habitual driver in the Cascine of a teamn of For stealing dead wood, the property of Henry no less than twelve pairs of horses, the Geary, of the value of 1s, Curran was ordered to multicoloured reins of which he handled with pay a farther fine of 10s, in addition to 4e 10d court remarkable skill, he modestly disclaiming all credit costa. for so apparently difficult a feat by assuring the WOMEN IN AMERICAN Mrs. Cleveland, leaders. inquirer that everything depended on the two wile of the Democratic candidate for the Presidenuy Yet, though possessing so large 8 stable, of the United States, was recently informed that it about was a the harmless take hobby the of his omnibus to prefer cab. to walk He bar name had been adopted by an electioneering has, city, left or or the omnibus club formed by a number of energetic political indeed, a handsome legacy to ladies.

The ex-President replied My dear conductors and cabdrivers of Florence, and a large Cleveland baa referred to me he has letter informing her of the organisation of your douceur to the waiters of the two religiously frequented during the veneration that Frances Cleveland Influence It by no he has exiled himself from his land. He means pleasant to dissent from the methoda which died in his eighty-fifth year but it must be con- sincere friends adopt when their efforts not fessed that he did much to foster the generally pre- demonstrate their friendliness, but when they also only vailing Italian belief in the eccentricity of the seek to subserve the public good, and are therefore Anglo-Saxon race, particularly when wealthy. engaged in a patriotic service. It is, however, BEN BRIDGE ONCE MORE remarkably impossible for us to approve of the use of Mra. daring escape from the police barracka, at Barke- Cleveland's name in the designation of clubs town, was effected at two o'clock on Saturday designed to do political work.

We trust you will morning by Benjamin Bridge, who 13 montha ago not undervalue our objection, because it reats upon escaped from the Murrurundi Geol, in New South the sentiment that the name now sacred in the Wales, where he was sentenced to ten yeara for home circle 88 wife and mother may well be spared horse-stealing. Bridge successfully evaded the in the organisation and operation of clubs created police until some eix weeks back, when he was to exert political influence." captured by the local police at Riversleigh Station. A New South Wales police officer arrived yester- TRADES DISPUTES AND ARBITRATION -The day, and had identified the prisoner, intending to Echo understanda that the Council of Conciliation take bim to Sydney by the next boat. To avoid under the Trades Deputes Conciliation and Arbitthis the prisoner set fire to his cell and gave the ration Act is to consist of the following gentlemen alarm. -constable M'Grath, who WAS the representing the organisations indicated constable on the premises, opened the cell and ping: Employers, James M' Mahon; employees, removed the prisoner, who after a desperate resis- Samuel Smith.

Railway and road construction and tance was manacled and chained to the fence. In general labour Employers, G. P. Jones emthe meantime, in spite of willing the ployees, Edward Dunn. 'Mining and machinery in whole of the barracks were in flames.

M'Grath connection with mines: Employers, Peter Dow with others then went to the rescue of nis wife and employees, James Curley. Traffic on roads, railfamily, and of the court records, books, ways, and tramways: Employers. Stanley Cole; During the confusion the prisoner escaped, making employees, Joseph Knight. Building, building for the mangroves, where he disappeared, and has materials, construction and work in wood and iron: not yet been recaptured. He is 80 years of age, Employers, E.

W. Jenkins; employees, George Peaand is said to have been 22 times before a jury, the co*ck. Food, drink, clothing, and work in leather present being his fourth escape from custody. He Employers, Henry Law; employees, Robert Harris. informed the New South Wales offer that he Printing Gale and kindred occupations: Employers, wold never take him to Sydney.

Nothing now George employees, T. W. Plummer. Misremaing on the site of the courthouse and the cellaneous trades and callings: Employers, Henry barracks but a heap of smouldering ruins. F.

Marr employees, James Wilson. Martin Walsh, a noted Northern horse judge, was told a story of the battlefield of recently SALE OF A last week Mr. ENSURING HIS OBEDIENCE -Bismarck in the district to select draught stallion for old Emperor-then King of Prussia- -had The Mr. A. Stafford, of Narrabri.

Mr. Walsh had a look himself and his staff to the enemy's Are, and would exposed at several fine hornes, but his critical taste was at not hear of retreating to a safe distance. At last length Perfection, met by whom Messrs. he J. and W.

Logan's Ane grey Bismarck rode must up to him, saying, As responsible secured at length after a great Minister, I insist upon your Majeaty's retreat deal of trouble for 8150. Perfection is a massive, to safe distance. If your Majesty were to be big boned, grey horse, with great middle, fine killed, the victory would be of no use to us." out head, of and the great wealth of hair, by King Richard The King his saw the force of this, and slowly retreated, unapproachable old mare Maggie, but in zeal he went again and again to the for whose be good has won qualities as well as colour he inherited, front. in When I noticed and it," Bismarck says, "I upon nearly every occasion upon only rose my saddle, looked at him. He tion, which last he has been Perfectica shown.

At gained the fret Singleton in exhibi- his Yes; understood I am perfectly, coming and called out, rather angrily class, year, prize but we did not get on tant gronnd, and champion as the the best National draught stallion on the enough, and at last I rode close up to the King, Stafford and Mr. also Walsh award, so that Mr. took my his foot out of the right stirrup, and secretly their selection, may be complimented apon had gave never horse so energetic kick. Such a thing stallion in the an we are pretty certain there is mo before happened to the fat mare, bat the the Maitinnd Namoi district with the quality of move was succomful, for she set off in Ane grey. canter.

13, 1892. TEMPERANCE MISSION AT EAST mission, arranged in connection with the Independent Order of Good Templars, was begun on Saturday evening. when an open air meeting of was the conducted by Mr. R. Crabb, G.L.V.D., Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Good Templars, New South Wales.

There was a large gathering, and Mr. Crabb spoke of the need for more earnest effort in promoting the principle of total abstinence. On Sunday afternoon, in presence of a large company, be spoke in the Good Templars' Hall, the subject of his discourse being Calla to Activity." Last evening, in the same hall, addreesed an audience on "The Temperance Queetion a National The mission will to-morrow evening. Raymond Terrace Races. The Lower Hunter Turt Club will hold meeting on the Motto Farm course, Raymond Terrace, on Saturday next, and the nominationa are appended.

The Selling Handicap tell through owing to paucity of entries, but a Hack Race will be got through, nominations for which are due on the course. OPENING HANDICAP 6 furlongs. Mr. T. Judge's Dago E.

'Carthy's Topsy Millie Andrews' J. Phair's Eucalyptus J. Hill'a br Bridgement Croker a Patrician E. Bowen's br Le Roy J. Baldwin' a Punchestowa Jae, Mayo Brien's oh Australian Prince W.

oh Jersey WELTER RACE HANDICAP: 7 furlongs. Mr. T. Dootor E. Andrews' Topey J.

Grafton's Charlotte Urara Mayo's Oscar Wilde P. Baroona J. Stewart's Big Head G. Croker's Odd Stockings H. Lillyman's Grandola E.

Bowen's Le Roy Jas. Hill's Bridgement J. Moore's Belle Dame. FARM STAKES 6 furlongs, Mr. T.

Judge's Dago J. Gration's Charlotte Urara Jan. Mayo's Monte Carlo J. Phair's Eucalyptus E. Bowen's Le Roy A Lilly man's Grandola W.

O'Brien' Jersey Wilson's Shiraz J. Baldwin's Punchestowa Mayo Australian Prince. SPRING HANICAP: 1 mile. Mr. T.

Cub's bit Doctor P. McCarthy's Over br Baroona J. Chambers' Everistas J. Wilson's oh Croesus J. Moore'a Belle Dame T.

Curb's Keers J. Phair's Eucalyptus E. Bowen's br Le Roy. Maltiand Stock Market. MONDAY'S SALES.

BRUNKER AND WOLFE'S REPORT. Fat supplies forward; demand brisk and values Armer. We sold: For T. Richardson, light bullocks at 24 78 6d to 25 68: Cook's cows, 84 14a: F. Love, bullocks at 25 78 to 25 158, ateera at 24 28; Osmond's bullocks, £4 108 to 25 128, steers at £3 169 6d, cows at 23 68; Dickson'a bullocks, 86 12a; Fraser's bullocks, 24 108 to 24 168, steers at 23 58 to £3 15e.

Fat -Good supplies yarded. Sales dull and prices unchanged. We sold -For H. C. White and Cobb, wethera at 98 ld to 10s 6d; Paul's lambs at 4e; Northern Agents' ewes at 58 7d to 68, wethers at 78 2d, lambs at 43; R.

G. Higgins, wethers at 98 6d to 11s. West Maitland, September 12, 1892. SPARKE AND CLIFT'S REPORT. Fat -Large supply yarded, with a good attendance of buyers, and satisfactory prices realized.

We have sold -for J. N. Laurie, bullocks from £5 68 to 26 5a, steers from 22 15s to 23 cows at 88, heifers at 82 881 Wm. Sherwood, bullocks from 83 168 6d to 84 188 I. B.

Keys, cows from 83 5s to 23 11s, ballocks from 84 14A to 25 10a 6d, do. at £8 18s 6d; D. Maloney, bullocks from 84 168 to 85 83; Dangar and Bell bullocks from 85 to £5 78, ditto (rough) at 84 88; W. Sherwood, bullocks at 84 108 Mrs. Smart's steers at 24, cows from 23 68 to 23 108; Jno.

Bower, cows from 8: 3a to 23, ditto (rough) from 21 88 6d to 21 118; J. K. Mackay's bullocks from 24 12a to 26 48. Fat supplies again forward, and prices a shade firmer. We have sold for H.

C. White and Cobb, wethers from 88 6d to 98: Hooper and Barnett, wethers from 98 8d to 108 7d; T. H. Crothers, wethers (shorn), tops at 68 8d, seconds 58 9d: F. W.

Darby, wethers from 78 1d to 88 1d, ewes from 5s id to 58 10d, lambs at 8a 6d; Northern Agents. wethere at 7e, ewes from 58 2d to 9d, seconds at 4s 9d; W. F. Grover, ewes from 58 6d to 68. West Maitland, September 12, 1892.

No Great Difference. Mr. Prince and Mr. Smith were standing near the pond watching the skaters. They were both past sixty years of age, but the expression of Mr Smith's face showed that he was to join the younger people in their sport.

How long since you had skates ou he asked, turning toward Mr. Prince. Well, I should say 'twas about twenty years," responded that gentleman slowly, but I believe I could skate as well now as ever I could." Mr. Smith looked at his companion with illconcealed surprise. Ob, come, James," he answered, you're 8 smart enough man for your yeare, but you can't really believe that you could put on ekates and skate as well aa you could twenty years ago.

"I think I could," responded Mr. Prince. But it's abeurd," said Mr. Smith, with something like annoyance. "It's ridiculous for you to say such a thing.

You can't expect to be frisking around like a boy at your time of life." Well," said Mr. Prince, I wasn't exactly a boy at forty, but I guera I could akate now 98 well sa conld then, for I couldn't skate any Iron Rust and Fires. A writer in Iron says that if oxide of iron is placed in contact with timber excladed from the atmosphere, and is subjected to a slightly increased temperature, the oxide will part with its oxygen, and converted into Ane particles of metallic iron. These particles have a strong affinity for oxygen, and if afterward exposed to action of the atmosphere will absorb oxygen 80 rapidly as to become suddenly red-hat. A sufficient quantity of such red-hot particles will produce a temperature far beyond the ignition point of dry timber, Wherever iron pipes are employed for the cironlation of any heated medium, whether water, air, or steam, and are allowed to become rusty in close contact with timber, it is only necessary for the particles of metallic iron to be exposed to the airwhich may be done by the mere expansion or contraction of the pipes-in order to start a flame.

Many of the fires, which occur so regularly at the beginning of winter, may be due to this unsuspected cause. At a recent Board School examination for girls one of the task was an essay on boys, and this was one of the compositions, just as it was handed in by a girl of twelve: The boy is not an animal, yet they can be heard to a considerable distance. When a boy hollers be opens his big mouth like frogs, but girls hold their toung till they are spoke to, and then they answer respectable and tell just bow it was. A boy thinks himself clever because he can wade where it is deep, but God made the dry land for every living thing, and rested on the seventh day. When a boy grows up he is called huaband, and then he stops wading and stays out nights, but the grew up girl is a widow and keeps The Lady Gediva show at Coventry was revived on August 2, after a lapse of Ave years.

Miss Alice Sinolair, from the Royal Acquarium, London, rode Lady Gadirs through the miles of streets, and the procession, which included half-a-dosen beads of musio and trade organisations, was of great length. The weather was cold and damp, bus the city was crowded with strangers, LATEST SPECIAL TELEGRAMS. FROM GREVILLE'S SYDNEY. Monday evening. On the wharves this merning there was increased supply of Hunter River lucerne hay forward; primest green, in demand at 83 10a to 44; other qualities, 22 108 to 83 5a1 bran, 18 1d pollard, 18 feed outa, 2e 9d to 28 118; seed oats, to 86 Circular Head potatoes, £3 58 to 23 108; New Zealand, 83 onions, -Victorian 83 58 to 23 108 Intercolonial oaten chaff -Tasmania £3 56 to 23 108, Victorian 24 5s to 24 108; butter, (keg) 18 4d (factory) la 6d; egga, 74d to 8d; cheese, 5d to 6d, (Bodalla) 7d bacon, 5d to 7d; bam, 9d lard, (bulk) at 5d, (bladder) 6d to 7d; honey, 4d beeswax, 10d.

In the Land Appeal Court -day in No. 2202, a reserved decision from reference by the Scone Land Board for direction in the matter of the conditional lease application No. 9147 of the Scone Commercial Bank, a long decision of the Court was read. The Court directed the Board to disallow the conditional lease. In the jury court to-day, Wm.

Hy. Wells sued Georgina Grisdale to recover a 81000 for wrongful distraint. The plsintif leased certain property at Newcastle from the defendant at a rental of £10 per month. On these premises be carried on business sa a livery stable keeper. The plaintif alleged that while he was a tenant of defendant, to whom he owed nothing for rent, she improperly and illegally entered upon his premises, and took possession of his goods.

These she afterwards advertised for sale on account of arrears of rent, and then, before the time allowed by law permitted her to make a sale, she sold portion of the goods. The plaintiff's case WAS concluded, but the evidence for the defence was not finished when the Court rose. The application for an injunction to restrain Mr. Crick, M.P., from interfering with Mr. Norton in the management and editorship of Truth, which was adjourned from Friday last, was again before the court this morning, and stands adjourned till to-morrow.

A man named R. Cowell was to-day Aned 253, or six months' imprisonment, for smuggling tobacco and cigars from the steamer cl*tus, At Broken Hill, to-day, W. Jones, the picket, charged with brutally assaulting two men going to work last Wednesday, was committed for trial; bail refused. Richard Unkles, arrested on Saturday for throwing a atone at the police when the non-unionists were being landed, has been remanded for a week on a charge of rioting; bail refused. The injured constable is still in the Hospital.

Abeut a hundred of the men on strike assembled on the flat near Block 10 this morning and were put through numerous exercises by an experienced drill instructor. The trade in revolvers during the last week or two has been enormous, and it is asserted that two out of every three men are armed. There is not the least sign of the strikers giving way. An attack on the mines is expected. Extreme caution is being taken by the proprietors.

The pickets around the mines last might were numerous and more active, but the night passed without any disturbAnce. The Trades and Labour Connoil has refased to take part in the reception of Mr. Dibba to morrow. Acting Justice Simpson took his seat in the Supreme Court today, and was complimented by several of the leading members of the bar present. A man named W.

Foster, who was knocked down, while under the influence of drink, by a "bus, in George-street, about three weeks ago, died in the hospital to-day from the injuries which he reeived. The hearing of the conspiracy charge against Messrs. Abigail, McNamara, Salmon, and Twist, resumed to-day and adjourned till to-morrow. MELBOURNE. Monday, MELBOURNE.

Monday, Sir Benjamin Benjamin fled his schedule to-day' The assets are estimated at liabilities, at 850,000. DISTRICT TELEGRAMS. OUR NEWCASTLE. Monday evening. The ballot recently taken at the Co-operative mine has resulted in, favour of ceasing work, and the Wallsend miners decided by a large majority to uphold them in their decision.

The prospect before the district is anything but premising, and tradesmen will nead great caution in their dealings. A grand children's fancy dress ball was given, on Saturday evening, in the Lyceum Hall. The bandmaster of the 4th Regiment was presented with a new silver cornet at the bandroom, Hamilton, in recognition of his energy and untiring service on behalf of the band. The University examination opened to-day in the old Court House, Hanter-street. There are 78 candidates for cenior, junior, and Civil Service examinations.

The great civil case Anderson againat Plattaburg Council occupied the Court till six o'clock on Saturday evening. His Honor then desired them to come to terms if at all possible. Some excitement was caused on arrival of the steamer Tagliaterro with a non-union crew; but, with the exception of some booting and jeering, the steamer was loaded. The police were in attendance. Weather bright and clear, and cold at night; warm during the day.

RAYMOND TERRACE. Monday. A trial test was made at the Eagleton Cooperative Company's Creamery this morning proved highly satisfactory to those directly interested, and also to the visitors present. The creamery has been erected on the property of Mr. Calman, I at Eagleton.

The industry itaelf, and also the formation of the Company, is due to the representations of Mr. W. Fisher, of Brandon, and Mr. J. Calman, of Eagleton, whoare both to be highly complimeated en the success attending their efforts.

The separator and maobinery are of the best desoription, and set in stone and concrete, the work of erection having been faithfully carried out by D. E. Hunter and ot this town. The Company propose having 1 public opening some time this month, when a fuller description will be furnished, BURNEDAN. Monday evening.

A steady rain not in last night, continning until late hours about half inch was registered. It la now das and mild. 8000 ewes, from Keepit, in charge of Frank BlAxto track for Sydney. 1200 land, are approaching, saperior store bullocks will be offered at the cattle sales here next Saturday. YARRAMAN.

Monday. Thirty thousand store sheep passed here on the 11th from Wingadee station, en route to Windy station, A. A. David Shoobert is incharge of and the sheep look first class after their trip. Two loade of Coomoo Coomoo wool paered; the first of the season's clip.

ST. GEORGE, QUEENSLAND. Monday. Splendid rain the last three days; the country is crowned. Now warm and fine; grase springing rapidly.

The only stock passinge for the week are 800 store bullocks from Mount Hutton, Broad owner, Maiden in charge; going to Albury for sale. Stock routes still open. LATEST CABLEGRAMS. GREVILLE'S Londoa, Sunday. It is estimated that it will require four and a halt millions sterling to distribute seed wheat amongst the Russian peasantry who are in distress from famine and pestilence.

The Russian Government has made arrangements to supply horses for agricultural purposes at half price. The dispute between the Orient Steamship Company and the builders of the steamer Ophir was before the Court, when the Orient Company were awarded 840,000 damages. Latest Sporting News. TELEGRAPH FROM GREVILLE'S C. RACES.

Saturday. The Spring meeting of the A. J. C. began at Randwick on Saturday afternoon, when the weather was fine and the attendance large.

Following are results of the races HURDLE RACE I about miles. Mr. W. Yeoman's Frautic, aged, 1 T. Payten de ch Pro-Consul, aged, 2 A.

Clark os ch Tramp, 9st Illb 3 Twelve others ran. Frantio stayed well, and won a great race by a neck. Time, 5 min. 44 seca. TRIAL STAKES; 11 mile.

Mr. J. B. Clark's ch Ulric, 7at 19lb Monaghan 08 br Isaac, 7st 121... 2 W.

Forrester na be Ronda, 7at 8 Eighteen horses ran. Ulric was favourite, and won by two lengths. Time, 2 min. 124 secs. A.

J. C. DERBY; 11 mile. Mr. J.

B. Clark's ch Camoola, by Chester8st (Hurley) J. B. Clark's be Arquebus, by Martini. Henri -Acme, 8at (Liddiard) George Hill's Blarney Stone, by Marvellous Belle, 8st 10lb (Ellis) 3 Other starters: Dan O'Connor 8-10, Attalus 8-10.

Betting: 2 to 2 on Camoola, 5 to 1 againet Attalus, 18 to 1 others. Attalus and Blarney Stone were first away, but were quickly headed by Arquebus, who acted as pacemaker for Camoola. At the end of the Brat furlong he was leading Attalus three lengths, Blarney Stone coming next, with Dan O'Connor and Camoola last. In this order they raced to the seven furlongs post, at which point Arquebus was leading Attalus six lengths, with Camoola lying third. From this point Attalus was beaten, and Camoola began to move up to the leader, Arquebus entering the straight three lengths in front of him.

Catching him at the distance, Camoola came on and won by three-parta of a length from Arquebus, with Blarney Stone two lengtha away third, and Dan O'Connor last. Attalus pulled up walking, baving broken a blood veasel. Time, 2 min. 40 sec. This record has been heaten only on three occasions, by Trident, Abercorn, and Gibraltar.

EPSOM HANDICAP; 1 mile. Mr. J. Burton ne br Daredevil, 6st (J. Delaney) 1 H.

Herbert's or br Kilmore, 5yrs, 6at (Watham) 2 I. Earnshaw na ch Shamrock, aged, 3 Twenty-four horses started, but Marvel WAB absent. Bendigo and Kilmore were in the front rank for balf-a-mile, when the former was done with. At the entrance to the straight, Daredevil (who is by Grand Flaneur) came away and won by two lengths, with the others handy. Time, 1 min.

41 secs. SPRING STAKES mile. Mr. J. Northern's ch Bangebah, aged, 9at 3lb W.

R. Hall's br fo Oxide, 4 gre, 9st. 2 J. B. Clark's Autonomy, 3 yrs, 7et 3 Other starters: Little Bernie 9-6, Marvel 9-6, Realm 9-5, Pippin 9, St.

Albans II. 9, Ruenalf 7-5, Candour 7-5, Autonomy was favourite, but Bungebah won easily, St. Albane IT. being fourth, and Marvel next. Time, 2 min.

424 secs. KENSINGTON HANDICAP 1 mile. Mr. J. Baronet's br Newcaatle, 3 yre, 7st 1 Thos.

Brown's br Roburite, 8 yrs, 2 W. Kent's Prime Minister, 4 8st 1016. Twenty horses ran. Splendor's son won easily, Time, 1 min. 42 secs.

Gainsford bad a fall from Associate, but escaped unhurt. V. A. T. C.

RACES. At this meeting held at Caulfeld, Keg won the Two-year-old Handicap: Fire King the Hurdle Race: Yarmon the Selling Race Goldreaf the Armidale Handicap Titokawaru the Steeplechase and Eldorado the Rosstown Handicap. MURRUMBIDGEE RACES. At Waggs on Saturday Gnalta won the Grandstand Handicap; Ganmain the Two-year-old Handicap; Fireman the Town Plate; Pointsman the Disposal Stakes; and St. Ilario the Steeplechase.

PIGEON SHOOTING. On Saturday a pigeon match for 8100 a-side took place at Drake, near Tenterfield, between Dr. Duflot and Mr. J. Payne.

The named won by eleren birds, CYCLING. At the St. Leonards Club Sports on Saturday afternoon W. J. Hodgkinson beat W.

J. Kerr inthe Ten Miles Amateur Championship Race, riding the distance in 99min. the record for the colony. BETTING On Friday evening Camoola was backed to win the V. R.

C. Derby and Melbourne Cup for several thousand pounds, quite displacing his stable mate Autonomy for the frat event, for which his price is now 5 to 9. For the Cup Camools knocked off quite as good a favourite as Malvolio. However he I subsequently eased a point. C.

WEIGHTS. Sydney, Monday. The following weights were declared by the A. J. Club to-day: To an RUN TUESDAY, SEPT.

13. SHORTS -Victor Hugo 9-9, Alchemist 9-5, Shamrock 9-0, Messenger 8-11, Daredevil 8-9, Cardoness 8-9, Alcides 8-7, Hero 8-7, Helene 84, Utter 8-4, Newcastle 8-2, Prime Minister 8-2, Mulgrove 8 8-0, Kookaburra 8-0, Insigna 8-0, Refuse 7-11, Tall Boy 7-11, Cumino 7-9, Faber 7-9 Sum Weller 7-7, Playmate 7-7, Glenora 7-7, Dutch Hoe 7-4, Avenger 7-4, Quicksilver 7-4 Can Can 7-2, Spyglass 7-2, Amber Queen 7-2 Warwick 7-0, Finis 7-0, Lycargus 6-9, Grayling 6-9, Widden 6-7, La Cigale 6-7, Plot 6-7, Lord Hobart 6-4, 6-4, Plover 6-4, Tresteldt 6-2, Alba 6-2, Glitter 6-2, Ward 6-0, Dalzelle 6-0. SQUATTERS' -Paris 8-12, Workman 8-12, Tridentine 8-10, Alchemiat 8-8, Realm 8-6, Arquebus 8-4, Pilot Boy 8-4, Chatham 8-4, The Swell Luatre 8-2, Cardoness 8 Vespasia 8, Alexander 7-12, The Gift 7-12, Dan O'Connor 7-11, Elymas 7-10, Helene7-10, Talkative 7-9, Donation 7 9, Bendigo 7-9 Danton 7-8, Prime Minister 7-8, Hop Bitters 7-8, Utter7-7, Kookaburra 7-7, Insigna 7-7, Associate 7-5, Gaytime 7-5, Pro-Consul 7-5, Two Up 7-4, Bedtime 7-4, Denman 7-4, Argos 7-2, Playmate 7-5, All Sorta 7-2, Pecrust 7-0, Real Lace 7-0, IBARO 6-12, Crichton 6-18, Zelandia 6-13, Princess 6-10, Confidence 6-10, Bradley 6-10, Roburite 6-8, Syracuse 6-8, Novice Othmar 6-6, Hurricane 6-6, Hegira 6-6, Blue and Gold 6-4, Roundabout 6-4, Everistas 6-4, Straightfire 6-3, Lord Hobart 6-2, Bodkin 6-2, Queensborough 6-0, Albecore 6-0, Ataliotty 6-0. To AR RUN ON THURSDAY. SECONd HURDLES.

-Pro-Consul 11-7, Fog 11-7, Friction 11-5, Siberian 11-8, Mikado II. 11-0, Frantio 11-0, Donald 10-11, Charon 10-9, Bettina 10-5 Wairua 10-5, Escort 10-5, Vanguard 10-8, Cascade 10-3, Little Tommy 10-0, Tiber 10-0, Buckley 9-11, Zanco 9-11, Mitre 9-9, Tramp 9.9, Moonlight 9-7, Maneroo 9-7. Slomach 9-5, Tourist 9-5, Lady Ida 9-2, Royal Stuart 9-2, Eclipse 9-2, Coghill 9-0, Dalcalmab 9-0, Speculator 6-0, Dirty Face 9-0, Eurolg' 9-0. THE TIPS. The Star tips as Stakes Daredevil, Ethelbert, Selkirk, 8.

A. J. C. Oaks Trieste, Mascara, Albecore, 3. Martindale" in the News says selection will be Daredevil, with Ethelbert and Arquebus next beat.

The Oaka will be reduced to a match, which Mascara may win. THE SCULLING CARNIVAL. The frat heats of the Sculling Carnival were rowed to-day with the following -Stanbury beat McGuinness easily. A strong 8. E.

wind was blowing, and the water was rough. Time, 24 min. 14 secs. Second -Roberte beat Gruer by a couple of lengths, after a splendid race. Time, 25 mine.

Third -Neilson beat Lawson very nicely in 23 min. 21 secs. ACCEPTANCES FOR THE OAKS. Following are the acceptances for the Trieste, Queensborough, Widden. SCRATCHING.

METROPOLITAN Boy. LATEST BETTING. METROPOLITAN to 1 v. Selkirk; 8 to 1 v. Bungebah, Arquebus, and Daredevil; 10 to 3 v.

Autonomy: 12 to 1 v. Realm, Vespasia, and Ethelbert. Latest Sydney Markets, Monday evening. Messrs. H.

Preacott and Co. -About 220 bales lucerne arrived on wharf to-day. Prime hay selling at 80s, good sound 70s to 75s, prime green 75s, hot and inferior lota 60s to turnips, 400 Early Rose in demand at 28 Brownell's 26 108 1 eggs, 74d to 8d; cheese, 5d to 6d; butter, 1a 4d to Is 6d; bacon, id to 5d; pigs and calves unchanged. Messre. J.

C. Young and Co. report: sheep penned; the market was Arm throughout for good to prime sheep. Other descriptions are analtered. We sold Kearney's wethers at Fourteen thousand cattle yarded; the market opened Arm at last day's rates, but eased off slightly towards closing sales.

Best beef is worth 168 per 100lbs. We sold 2 show bullocks, W. J. Dines, at 29 59 and two black polled Augus bullocka, at 88 5e 9d: bullocks sold to £8 128 6d, averaging £7 6a 5d 50 bullocks, W. Nicholl, to RT 9s, averaging 26 17a 42 bullocks, W.

R. Smith, averaging 25 58 8d; 13 bullocks, A. Dines, averaging 24 158, heifers at 22 126, 1 steer at 198. Messre. Brunker and Wolfe fat stock 20,000 penned; best merino wethers made to 12s each, others from 65 50-lb.

ditto worth to 88 6d. We sold the Kickerbill wethers, crossbrede, at 178 and Combacka to 168. Cattle: 1500 yarded; the maximum in was good to prime beef: prime yards bullocks made to 28, others from £4. We sold for Messra. McDonald, Munro, sad Bakewell at quotations.

Best beet WAB worth to 188 per 100lb. At the rail way sheds and wharves, lucerne bay brought to 24, medium dry from 28 per ton maize, 8a 9d per bushel. The South Coast and West Camden Co. report: -Prime lucerne in good demand at from 83 15a to 24; medium from 23 to 23 Beet maize, fain demand, at de. Pige, 3d to 4d; fowls, 28 6d to 6d, fair demand ducke, 88 to 48; eggs, 74d.

Mr. from Myles McRae reports lucerne haygreen 24 to 84 5e, brown from 28 15s to in demand. Corn, 4a; onte, 88; bran and pollard, 13d; Circular Head potatoes, 84; New Zealand ditto, 83. Mesare. Pitt, Son, and Badgery report: sheep in: prime a abade Armer.

We sold 9000, topping the market with White and Cobb's Bando wethers, averaging 124 Campbell's Dungaleaze, 100 ad; Hitchen's from Coonamble, 10a 4d Terry's to 12e, and various owners at top rates. 1400 cattle forward, the market was a shade easier. We sold 470 topping bullocka, the market with the Namoi Pastoral Coy's, averaging 29 11s 5d Bowman's, 87 16a 84, cows at 26 38 4d; Northen Agents, 26 78 White's Belltrees, 25 78 R. Logan's 25 12a; and various owners. NOTICE TO AGENTS.

QUARTERLY STATEMENTS. HE AGENTS of the MEROURY are requested to forward STATEMENTS of their COLLEO TIONS to this Office NOT LATER than FRIDAY, the 16th day of SEPTEMBER, in order that the QUARTERLY ACCOUNTS for their respective districts may be made out correctly, and forwarded to them by the 1st of OCTORER, 1890 the commencement of the ensuing quarter. terminate Agenta are requested to make ail subsoriptions with the current quarters of the year. sue One for all Agenta long will please notice that we intend to ticulars, to they band will kindly solicitors. farnish us with parstanding acconnte, and we shall be obliged if our Tucker, Gillies, Thompson, PROPRIETORS.

Mercury Office, Maitiand, Aug. 28, 1892..

Maitland Mercury from Maitland, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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