1. Kona fer í Stríð (Film, 2018) - MovieMeter.nl
Halla is een vijftig jaar oude, onafhankelijke vrouw. Maar achter de schermen van een stille routine leidt ze een dubbel leven als een gepassioneerde ...
Drama / Komedie film geregisseerd door Benedikt Erlingsson. Met Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir, Jóhann Sigurðarson en Juan Camillo Roman Estrada.
2. Woman at War (Kona Fer I Strid) - Semaine de la Critique
A breathtakingly witty and sharp environmental tale. More specifically, from start to finish, it runs on a variation of burlesque and political takes.
The audience at the 2018 edition of La Semaine de la Critique found themselves either seduced, delighted or stunned by Woman at War and its fierce superheroin. It was like a breath of fresh air. Let’s revisit this intoxicating Icelandic environmental tale, breathtakingly sharp and witty…
3. Woman at War - cinema - VPRO Gids
De 49-jarige Halla leidt een gevaarlijk dubbelleven: publiekelijk is ze een sympathieke koordirigent, heimelijk een beruchte ecoterrorist.
De 49-jarige Halla leidt een gevaarlijk dubbelleven: publiekelijk is ze een sympathieke koordirigent, heimelijk een beruchte ecoterrorist. Wanneer ze de kans krijgt een kind te adopteren, staat ze voor een dilemma: blijven strijden voor Moeder Aarde, of zelf het moederschap omarmen? Buitenissig IJslands feelgooddrama van de maker van festivalhit Of Horses and Men (2013) is weer erg onderhoudend en prachtig gefilmd, met een fraaie hoofdrol van Geirhardsdóttir. De toon is knap getroffen: het absurdisme staat ontroering en diepgang niet in de weg.
4. WOMAN AT WAR / KONA FER Í STRÍÐ - European Film Awards
Halla declares a one-woman-war on the local aluminium industry. She is prepared to risk everything to protect the pristine Icelandic Highlands she love s.
Halla declares a one-woman-war on the local aluminium industry. She is prepared to risk everything to protect the pristine Icelandic Highlands she love s… Until an orphan unexpectedly enters her life.
5. Woman at War 2018 - New Zealand International Film Festival
Iceland's Benedikt Erlingsson (Of Horses and Men) winningly mixes absurdist comedy and tense thriller, with Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir as a fearless eco-warrior.
Iceland’s Benedikt Erlingsson (Of Horses and Men) winningly mixes absurdist comedy and tense thriller, with Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir as a fearless eco-warrior, juggling environmental action and foster motherhood.
6. Woman at War (Kona fer í stríð) - Independent Cinema Office
Halla (the formidable Halldóra Geirharõsdóttir) seems to lead a quiet and routine existence. But her happy and upbeat exterior hides a secret double life, ...
7. Woman at War - Iceland - The Nordic Co-operation
Halla is a fifty-year-old independent woman. But behind the scenes of a quiet routine, she leads a double-life as a passionate environmental activist.
The film “Woman at War” is the Icelandic nominee for the Nordic Council Film Prize 2018.
8. -Woman at War (Kona fer í stríð) - Film at Trowbridge Town Hall
Funny, moving and utterly unique, Woman at War, follows Halla as she juggles the adoption of a little girl whilst planning her final act of industrial sabotage.
Friday 23rd September. Halla is forced to choose between her environmental crusade and the chance of fulfilling her dream.
9. Woman at War (Kona fer í stríð) - Cineuropa
WOMAN AT WAR ; directed by: Benedikt Erlingsson ; film run: 101' ; release date: IS 22/05/2018, FR 4/07/2018, EE 21/09/2018, HU 4/10/2018, RO 12/10/2018, BE 5/12/ ...
Cineuropa - the best of european cinema
10. [PDF] woman at war (kona fer í stríð)
Other elements of the film also give it the air of a fairy tale or fable: in addition to the lack of detail about the main character (What is her background?
11. Kona fer í stríð, Woman at War (2018) - FilmTotaal
Bevat niet: synopsis | Resultaten tonen met:synopsis
Actie uit IJsland. Regie Benedikt Erlingsson. Halla is in de vijftig en besluit het op te nemen tegen de aluminiumindustrie. Die vernietigt haar land, IJsland.
12. Woman at War review: the super earth mother we need now | Sight & Sound
13 jun 2019 · Halldóra Geirhardsdóttir as Halla in (Kona fer í stríð).
A woman strides across the lush Icelandic landscape, confidently brandishing a bow and arrow. Despite being dwarfed by the scenery, she cuts an imposing figure; a drumbeat intensifies in pace and volume as she stalks her prey – a huge electricity pylon. Shooting a cable over the lines, she pulls with all her might and the pylon sparks ominously. Nearby, activity in the local smelting plant grinds to a halt.
13. Kona fer í stríð (Woman at War) - Locarno Film Festival
4 aug 2023 · Kona fer í stríð (Woman at War). A cult of our times. It is the ... 2018, Kona fer í stríð (Woman at War) helps bring contemporary ...
The third feature film by Benedikt Erlingsson, after Of Horses and Men and The Show of Shows, and a great international success, starting with the world premiere at the Critics Week in Cannes in 2018, Kona fer í stríð (Woman at War) helps bring contemporary Icelandic cinema to the fore. It’s an amusing and intelligent comedy, as well as being openly political in its environmentalist stance, a winning example of a much more heterogeneous filmmaking country than one might think.
14. Woman at War | Magnolia Pictures
Halla is a fifty-year-old independent woman. But behind the scenes of a quiet routine, she leads a double life as a passionate environmental activist.
Halla is a fifty-year-old independent woman. But behind the scenes of a quiet routine, she leads a double life as a passionate environmental activist. Known to others only by her alias “The Woman of the Mountain,” Halla secretly wages a one-woman-war on the local aluminum industry. As Halla’s actions grow bolder, from petty vandalism to outright industrial sabotage, she succeeds in pausing the negotiations between the Icelandic government and the corporation building a new aluminum smelter.