The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)

To Plate A Classified Ad Call 256-91 1 1 Apr. 8, 1990 The Arizona Republic CL5 1255-Scottsdale 1230-Luxury Homes 1230-Luxury Koines 1255-Scottsdale 1230-Luxury Homes 1215-NE Phoenix Horn 1240-Exclusive Homes Ovr $500,000 VALLEY AREA HOMES AND PROPERTY CIomm 125S Through 1395 CUSTOM built 4 br 2 ba 2587sq ft, pool, 1 acre. $199,000. SweefwaterHayden 991-8484 CLEAN 2BR, evap cool, tndry, storage, fenced? Nr John C. Lincoln Hoso.S55.W0.

CATALiNA RLT 947-3612 ESTATE sale, 4BR, pool, low down, sale or lease purch. 998-7891 Phil Hartneck Really OPEN Srfsrfl 16900 ft. Jm ll V7m uui viv cii, lyu, 9 Mary 869-8719 Rider PRINCIPALS ONLY: ASSUME. NO QUAUFYING i oarrn, i db, 2-car gar, I ooen tioorpian, vita eel FORECLOSURE Luxury home-Special finance-No guafy. Cafl Wlz at 228-2914, Realty Executives 451-9339 mov- fna.

must jjiotivaieu. GOLF Course 5br 3ba, pool 1D2K. Call 998-249: PROPERTY CNTR 893-8500 guestwlng 3LI. reaiiy reaucea owner. 991-0819 QUITE A TOWNHOME! $837500.

Located In SE corner oi complex ivery quiet). 2BK, closets (a Walk to arra Park. ciui mallei nas 3 woma ian's envvl. oreenbeltChaparral kots ot stor ves: 948-49i storajje. PAT FAIR: The Prudential Arizona Realty 991-3300 991-4000 REDUCED Great 2BR Patio home wPyt pool on Scottsdale Ranch.

Life erite. A real value under 180K. Call Keith or Janice Kt AL I 451 -9339 or 860-0734 REDUCED. ior 20a pius pool, 2ba plus pool, on large lot in i own i own oi uuiet area. Asking Details! 8464948-0550 JOHN HALU ASSOC.

RFnilCFDUO.nnfli BeautltuTi br 2 ba plus pool In excellent neighborhood. Was NOW Onv $159,900. It's a steal! call now fur details! ALAN B. RIPA 946-8464948-0550 JOHN HALL ASSOC. SELECT Choice Homes Patio, Homes, Some Lakefront-Some Lender Owned-Excel-lent Values-Call Keith or Janice-Realty Executives 451-9339 or 660-0734 $200,000 Up SHOWSTOPPER! $359,500 tiegant alluring jk, Library, soaring wood ceilings, wniie-wasnea saiuuo in piamation snuners.

Be ool garden, open sun 1526 N. 82nd 0SM ormid tTSsoFfhePruden'faJ Arizona Keany vm-obbi YOUR OWN MINI RESORT The Lake on ScfsdC Rancti. Boat Ind, Call pwneragf, for $349,900, Dpen 5Ult 12-5 10242 N. 9911 emury 1 1 -iora yv- $250,000 Below Appraisal i Beautiful custom hm, SOQOsqft on almost acres. Near ma 1915 ADOBEREDUCED $50,000 Reslorei tored historic ac 34 acre.

3 adobe 3 1 3900 ft. End hanflng grounds lawskl Realty Ei is. cnai POI 998-0676 1 N.20TH STREET UNUA 1 IU led, In-town estate. Secluded In-town estate. Ad- prox 2.5 acres priced below if Squaw eak, close to Az.

Bll rr in tea ootei ntlnl Pfl $425,000. Wren, iWlkleBeau 957-9830. acre estate wvlew of juwei wins. Lomo eie onated wcoumerii skyjlohts. carpe' a in PBIUU4 ieaucnamp 1240-Exclusive Homes Ovw $500,000 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Cmlbk Mtn City Lite Vws ARTISTS SOLITUDE OR CHILDRENS PARADISE Secluded Cul-de-sac, high ui barklno to Echo Canyon.

4.00 js sq. n. witn lamuy country chen. Aroe evnanslve red- wood deck, room tc tennis court andor oog room for NS wves house the Arcadia schoo district. RV parking and parklno for up to.

15 Cars. Ca nteHalnlng. room for 300-400 ig roi i bull i i-in upu, spa andscapna and pool. Lush landscaping makes this a country para- aise. OLD ADOBE INDIAN RUINS $645,000, 953-9671- ML5K2B56V KEAI.TT iJALOWSKY RNE PROPERTY SPECIALIST AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA "ContemDorv Eleeance" In Northeast Scotts.

wover 5000 sq. ft. of gracious 8, functional llvabe space, dra- niani, uiax ciiiiv, nun cen-Inos thru-out fam room wseperate blllard.rm, library ir ottice, spin noDDV room or in bk. Luxurious waster iu te wown exerc se room. Amenities include Italian capi tets, marDie tioors, coumei ops, Gaggenau appliances, naces, 4w nams, circular a ass snower.

1 naoor herapy baths, plus outdoor spa gorgeous pool area Mllf EXECUTIVES MICHAEL O'NEILL 998-0676 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AN ADOBE BY BILL TULL "In town" walk to Phx Conn- try Day priced way below repiaccmeni.A nvapie sculp ture 01 pertection, 1 rep aces, pool.n $660,01 31, ramaaa, room ior tennis ARCADIA ADOBE On Camel's sjope.artlst's own retreat with 3100sg.ft. beautifully renovated with room for pool CLEARWATER HILLS Fabulous views forever from 4BR with rec room.easy care vard 8, pool recently reno vated. $795,000 LEE PAYNE, CRS. 997-7324 tne Biltmore specialist Realty Executives 840-7279ev AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FANTASTIC VIEWS Dave Hansen built this lovely Rome situated on 5 acres In PV. Horse set-up.

Inviting 001, nuge masiersum ourmet kitchen, new CAr pet. Excellent vali Call Jo-Lyn Kimbrough Realty Executives 998-0676998-9594 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS A TarAntinl Custom Home Southwest Contemporary Barms i Bains uu sq All Moaern Ameninesi $499,000 8361 E. WINDROSE of Cactus on B4th St to Corrlne-West to 83 PI-North KUGER SCHWARTZ REALTY EXECUTIVES A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A PArAnke vAl pv HArlenriA Private enchanting on acres. ion swbA.spacious master no. Pro aourmel kltcheh.

Lusn landscaping se- uueu nen nn eciron gates. $1,395,000. Open Sat, and Sun. 19-5. WALT DAN- LEY The Prudential Arizona Realty V54-68B8 991-2050 AAA Location, North Central, juuu st, 4bKjioA wiormai ij dr, loe eat-fn kitchen, den 1 master suite, pome has been totally remodeled, pool area yard are beautifully land- scapea, sjju.uuu.

jvs-vjj ABSOLUTE PARADISE Family resorf-llke llv ng. naoor racquetpan court, Iphfcd NS tennis. Pool. 7126s rown of PV. l.Bac.

11,300,000 ueDpie payne 443-1224 Franl nn. si Smiths, Assoc. ABSOLUTE SECLUSION 3800, 4 bdrm, 4 bath appraised at $580,000, 2.5 acres surrounded by Mt, Pre serve, mino Doggiing views $550,000 Jason Feld 788-7552 Realty Executives 866-0990 ACARDIA CUSTOM HOME Drive By 6319 E. Marlposa- suuu 4 st nome on 1.2 acre, recently reduced to $695,000. Call 952-OO04 or 945-7823 for showing.

William C. Hudak Associates, uwnerBroKer. ARCADIA. AREA OWNER 5Br 5Ba frplc 3 car garage pool, tennis basem*nt etc, 5300sf. $650,000 840-6551 chamo fopcn 98)0 E.

DESERT COVE SUNDAY ITO 4PM Outslandlno value In Scottsdale. Aoprox 1.25 Mcr to lot To COZY upgraded 2BR Ira lot. new CArof. 40StT- sdhls. By Owner 953-9479 CTM QWC.

2Br IBa, frpl, a to LR lof. Block home. xira 1,000. cm $475. 867-7213 DIVORCE, was $145,000, no' iijy.vuu.

ZJosi spa norses 998-7891 Phil Harm Hartneck Realty ILLNESS forces sale, 4Br 3Ba, 5P? fPj game room. 2540sq ft. 990-7891 Phil Harti neck Realty LARGE 4br 70Kvalu DP $3250 good credi Janice. 996-9959, 948 LEASEPurchase 3br, corner 101, encio: oar. near schls.

park, $535mo. Name your rerms. tail ram, vw-uv4 Lease Purchase 2 BR 2 BA, 2 car oar, $675mo Owner VAflent 943-4812 992-3260 LOOKING for a bargain! 5Br iDOi IQIIHir IW'lli M. IVVIIIl frplc, pool, sen pie for under $90,000 piay yarn, ah qyj-jjvu LOW, LOW DOWN No qualifying, 2,3,4 bdrms all areas. BOB iUSSMAN 948-0550 JOHN HALL ASSOC.

MOUNTAIN VIEWS and close to Pv mall top! Model sharp 3 bedroom, lots of tile, sparkling pool putting green, newer! MIKE WOLFE Realty Executives 998-2992 NICE EST Financing Looking. Newer home. Vaulted ceilings, fans, open floor plan. 2 car garage. All upgraded to the max.

No guafltyino loan, easy to own. the first to see lust how easy. 40th stGreenway. Re- elty Executives, Joe Klasko, 390-2085. NO credit check, low down, 4BR.

fp, RV parking. 998-7891 Phil Hartneck Really OPEN HOUSE 9424 18TI 1 47 Sun 4 rifle custor 9424 1RTH STREET Sat 47 8. Sun 48, 10am-4pm Terrific custom bum moun tain" preserves location. 3Br 2'2Ba, living, family formal dining rooms, fireplace, 2 car garage, RV parking. Must see (p appreciate.

$199,000. Realty Executives, Mickey Ervln, 866-0496, 581-9480. OPEN HOUSE Nestled on a hilltop, 3b, 2ba lft79 sn. H. flrenlAre.

rin-rl- sac, $84,900 1744 E. Camlno uclos Kancnos i-4pm Tonv RIMSZA Realty 6517 N.7th St. 264-1881 OPEN House April PV Mall area, 4344 Acoma. 3Br i 2Da, awgar, morel 482-U2JI OPEN TODAY 1-5 14826 N.47in PL, Ex-Malouf model In like new condition 4Bd 2Ba, Spa. 2294 sq.

ft. Reduced; to 146,000 Sharon Vore 948-9450 Realty txecuiives OPEN 11-4, 13220 40th Wa' Gorgeous 3br lba, masl suite, upgraded! 953-0382 OPEN 12-4 SUNDAY 4650 E. GRANDVIEW No qual! Beautiful 3br exec hm nr TatumBelf. Open floor hm nr Tatun plan, 2 trpl's II, II Wl IMQIIU Mien, ai- most 2100soft 4- db I garage. Reduced to $118,900.

Sablna 998-4454, West USA 996-441 1 POINT AT SOUAWPFAK BY owner, upgraded 3br 2ba nouse pricea way oeiow mi hnuse at $129K wonlv $5000 dn 1-5J44 or Boo-jyj; Prestige At Your Doorstep Keaucea 10 jno.vuu: uom 1ISS II llvina In SSOn.OOfl area Bcd3 '3Rafh. rnH PAm At Rlue KIDDOn Realty, 263-96V6 PRICE SLASHED OualitvLuxurvS134.000. Former Herllage Hts model 4BK soiit, iiowing pian. r-rpic, num. curitL'i iooIs, club hse 8, 29 St.

4VJ-V4V REDUCED Nice 3 br, 1 34 ba home Lrg diving pool, AZ rm by lit In microwave-waiK to rtrl HS- Paf Snyder 95; JOHN hj HALL I TAKE IT AWAY BEARDSLEY7THST 2br ac-cvap, dbl garage. No qual. Closing costs down. Tony 612-688-0482 Take over payments no qual. jor zoa gar, pool, lauusi, 10 FHA 246-4741, 827-1048 T-BIrd 36th St.

3br 2 bath Hm ftevap, kv prkng, ne terms. No Dn to Vets or flexible on. owner carry. 265-331; VERY Comfortable 2br all elei home, beautiful frplc, fencei Granite vard, no arass to cu or water.Prlced right 971-6624 $2,500 DOWN No qualify, pmts under $5 3br 2ba fix-up near 24th SI 3br 2ba fix-up near CacfusT Hurry! Ca 998-4454, West USA all Sablna 996-4411 $500 DOWN Gov't owned homes are th( best buy in the Valley. 20-40 below value.

Many to chosj from. Call Mike Fowler, REG Investment A Sales, 585-9582 17807 N. 35th St. Best buy in area! 4BR 2BA nr park, golf, schls. Reduced to $84,900.

qa Susanna 482-2446 West USA 3BR nr 24thCmlbk, FHA appr'l $59,000 priced to sell at $55,000 939-5038 3BR IBA, $52,500, Huge lot, 2 outside sfrg sheds. American Realty. Brokers. Owner agent 275-8430 or 955-6606. 3BR 2ba, fam room wblt-lns, lrg kitchen, new Berber crpt, ceramic tile, copper plumb.

RV prkng, auto sprnklrs, view Camelback Mtn. 840-02: jy 5B BARGAIN Over 2900 sq. ft. wfenced pool, large lof, 3c close to schools Tony RIMSZA Realty 6517 N. 7th St.

264-1881 1220-NE Phoenix CondoiTownhou AAA Deal $100dn lrg T-Home, lo pymt bank repos 4 govt homes. Chuck S69-V575 Agl. AAA No bank qua nothing downtobuv Ihlsbtfl 'Rr ini5om 't vhBa condo next to Blltmon jntr ra I Hotel Hotel i-asnion Piaza Man tnter tnru guara gate at 521. hru ouarn Date At .57 24th St 202, next to club house 8. tennis courts.

Origi nally soia tor sieai for only Desperate to sell quick. Owner-BITI998-8700 AA AZ BILTMORE STEAL! Overlooking lake, poll coursi skyline. Pertecf one bed rnnm. lOOOsoff SB9.9O0 Helen Dumas 943-9656 Realty Executives 997-7324 AT 4050 Cactus, near PV Mall golf course. wbeautitul vie' ews.

Best of over $49,999. takes. 991-4525 or 971-5934. A Repo 3Br, 2Ba, frplc, patio, ten yq, 12 iNorinern. wev fin.

Must sell. AMSC 864-6990 BILTMORE Cloisters condo, no money down, now qualify. IBR IBA, Immediate occupancy. Owner agent 998-8700 AA 2 of a LEE BEAT THIS! ontemp 1988, show home of ie year; 425st, lagoon, pool waieritin. (atertll.

concrete roof, pi, Da, niaiuic nyi tennis clubhse. Appr Will sell llflfenp lease opt. Ceasar 948-0886 1 maroie tic BILL TULL SANTA FE Absolutely the most smashing nome in town ot v. New on market. Hand-sculptured walls, gorgeous ylews, light wooa iioorsiiagsionepatios klnenfbeautlfuPmaer sul wseparafe office and exercise room, .7 fireplaces.

Call tor private snowing. Jolvn Ktmbrouoti 998-9594 Realty Execufives 998-0676 BUYING A HOME There are hundreds on the market. To find that right luxury nome lall VICTOR WEINTRAUB 483-3333 REMAX Excalibur Realty CONTEMPORARY CLASSIC, HIGH ON CAMELBACK! Elegant home wbreathtak-Ing 180 degree views Is un- urpassep tor great tamiiy iylng! 5 bedrooms, gourmet itcnen, master suite study Ite studv wmagnlicei amen ties Fi mi views an amliy room, ex- erclse room, Cc Sue Shapiro. ise room, pool. tennis! ntaa tine or 468-8863 The Home Sellers." DESERT HIGHLANDS ONE IN A MILLION Spectacular home recet nome.

recently nsteo wnn Incredible ews. incredible views. 'Fabulous entertaining home hrAmaflc clrrulAr entrv Large kitchen with top of the tine caDinets, appliances Large pool area with flrenlAre. har area. Incredible master suite of- 1IIIIOI DESERT HIGHLANDS Model shArn Shows heAutlfiillv 5hA .1 hafhs And sturiv ign yauitep ceilings witn a and a rv fee no.

10 airy reeling. APPrOX J2UU sq.n. ot well designed space wonderful pool area Koom ior guest nouse merer) at $569,000, Call OANNE BRADLEY 585 1676948-05: 50 JOHN HALL ASSOC. AnOClATtt IMC. I nn HALL COMPLETE REAL UMTI MIRVICI DESERT Highland CC, 3br, ma, great views, reaucea, Owneragl 585-4560 Phil FAMILY CHARM IN CAMELBACK COUNTRY ESTATES Charming 4 bedrooi most up-to-date RFFC con- onioni tlon! Professionally deco- ssl raiea.wspectacuii ted wsoectacu ar oi fkV met kitchen (has fireplace i every amenity!) Family room wlarge screen TV, master su te wown tt no sining area.

Very, private backyard lusniy ianuscape( oren piay i cuzzl. $898,501 area, pool, Ja-io. Ele Shapiro. 468-8863 Wit The Home Sellers." FINISTERRE SALE Sell It now savs eastern owner. Elegant vaulted 4 bedroom 4585 sq ft home Reduced to $725,000 KtnnftA txcaimur Keany OR LUXURY HOMES CALL VICTOR WEINTRAUB 483-3333 HACIENDA Luxury estate In Pinnacle Peak, Scottsdale.

Over 8500 sq ft tinner roof, iinohstructed city mountain views, cus tom slump block, very open floor plan. 5br Incl. 2 mstr suites, 3 frplc's (1 3-way), hand mi 1 rnyrlp vaulted ceilings, lots ot samiio me, oeam cen ngs, mexican mex can counts le counter ods. wei wet bars, guest house wfrpl.c views, iam wtle fack feed Matching norse.oi roof, 2 stalls, irral, tack ine a nn. ca owner 12-991-4033 or 585-7095.

have, a million dollar from ttie S. side of. Camelback witn. i amreouceato io. come see wnat i whAt a oond huv am.

Open 1-4. 4750 N. 55tti St. arhAra RrAdv. Brauy ssoc.

947-7373 or 941-2895 OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 $589,000 )i t. Almost com-eted. Smashing Villa. 4BR plus den.

Mediterranean on bcottsoaie l. l. vt t-a rway. vei upur aue 'oo spa 01 laiiiaua idLiui ike and mot lountalns. KAREl udentfal i vv -ddv.

ni rud Arizona Realty y54-6l OPEN 1-5 Ive hiah above the Valley In lis unlane A bodroom 4- (ten iome. Large fot can accomo- Reduced $38,000 to $64! 4462 E. Mockingbird OPEN 12-4 5306 LValle Vista Hlah on CamelhAric Mtn. wjfh panoramic views of the city. 4 pains, i car gara covered park no for 4 cars car garage.

CalfGed at Realty dpeciaiisis, B00-00J3. PRICELESS VIEWS Spectacular 3.9 acre mini es fate on Camelback Mountali pverf*cklng N.E. valley. bdrm, 2 level hugging a hill side, Total privacy from thi world. Open 1-5 5623 N.

52m Place. BETTY LDIENES 9 MICHAEL J. CHENE8 1 998-0676 RARE OPPORTUNITY acquire dramatic architec tural cnarm, Frencn country Interiors, and Camelback Mt. views all on a lush Interior In Flnlsterre, $925,000. KAREN GANZ 468-1441 The Prudential Arizona Really yM-oaao SELLING YOUR HOME get the lob done rely on mv marketing expertise.

Results are what counts. VICTOR WEINTRAUB 483-3333 REMAX Excalibur Realty SPIEFY SPANISH New construction. In I IrtM strtAii nai iHnA h. floor and columns. Light cal nets.

5 bedrooms. Steal iteal It REMAX Excalibur Realty FOR LUXURY HOMES CALL VICTOR WEINTRAUB $BF 483-3333 tereoai 1.2 million Call JOANNE BRADLEY 585-9676948-0550 JOHN HALL ASSOC. 4 4 the AAA 3 1255-Scottsdale 3BN ON MARKET! of ceramic of ceramic full tile roof, ga fireplace, poks better than a mi than a mnnel Pi one is spec a at si24.yuo. 149 Betty Elvse. Reatv xecunves, kcii yvo-wn AA POOL 3BED, garage, uv ma nte.

nance yard, mi ei snaro oesianer ouches, Must Aire Libre eauy Executives, ABSENTEE OWNER WANTS OUT Scottsdale Ranch; Unbellev. aoie puy, owner 'stvlewr sell aimps pa Histuc, inqiuic IIUUI9, inu countertpps, fenced pool. You tio ask ior tne nest Is. Subrnll best offer toda t-Kty 948-9450 Realty Executives Absolute pertecj Ing, out. Many yjpraae5.

mcvrmi Kane ADDRESS: 7961 VIA BONITA Locatlbrj-prlce-terms. Open Sunday new carpet. iteve yvu-iui AAoerkerke Realty 947-7411 Anyone Can Buy V.A. OWNED HOMES Alia It VA ices trom o( rSTARTFRHl 1 br J'jba townhome Chai iam Area $75,500 OH. Ca MARG 6 946-4470948-0550 JU UN HALL a AN Open house 6708 E.

Holl; St. Clean 3br, IV-iba wpool Iow90's wlOW CTM. 941-1352 ASK BOB PENN ABOUT MCCORMICK RANCI Over 400 MLS Llstlnas Realty Executives 998-2992 Assm $8K dn. Immac. 4br 21 DOol.

ac. 589,900. $639 PI Bernstein Co, 949-0510 Open i oaay i t-i. mu monieoeno ASSUME LOAN CTM, Huge 4br country home, pi ool, spa. 6567 Choi LTOlia V4B-5I5 ASSUM NO QUAL.

2br 2ba patio nome, 2 car gar, comi ood. charmer! 8 30vr FH ow CTM. $635 Tl. T-BIrd Pima, must sell $86,40 jvi-ibb by owner ASSUMNo Oual Terms 2ba spa deck xtras nr Ind Bend Pk So of Cmlbk 994-5510 AT SWEETWATER RANCH! jor, ine rooi, pool. Lowest area, at $139,900.

Call 990-B1Q1 Moerkerke Realty 947-7411 A -ACRE 4 BEDROOMS WITH POOL )D VIFWS LEASE-LEASE G. spelzer, Wlnr 451-1000, 391-06k ASE PURCHASE nn Keaiiors, A low down, no qualify loan on siarier nome near nnotoroi conyeniept location uoris Ben V4B-ii54 west A NO QUALIFY Sharp 3Bd, 2Ba, pool, $1250 pmnf, $8500 dn. 56 StGreen-yyay area. McKamey 953-2353 Keany bxecutiveswo-yyiu A Open House 10-6. 2 story, 4br on pryt parx, van ceil, prion: cheerful.

Near new. 149.91)1 16014 N. 49th St. 971-6877 A REAL BEAUTY Truly Impeccable North bcottsoaie 4 oegrooms 2 bams over 2000 sq. ft.

white shutters, beige carpet, lots of file, block construction and mountain views. $125,001 FRED SHAPIRO 948-9451 Keany xecunves A SCOTTSDALE BEAUTY A 2697 soft of Sheer delight 4 br, 2Vi ba, dlv pool, Remada, near schools 8, PV Mall-Turn arouna oriveway so muci more in otfer-PleAse cal Mvrfle 953-4000991-4178 Re. duced fo $134,900 JOHN HALL 8, ASSUL A SCOTTSDALE BEAUTY! No Qual 3 bed, 2 bath wpool. ONLY Great area, great terms. HURRY! Call Terry mlth or Dave watson.

Realty Executives 998-2992 raulted celling, fireplace, car aaraae. vacant, on $79,900. Hurry! Won't last! Lauonna nnerKei vvo-2yv2 Kean iealty Executives. A 3BRGUEST HSEPOOL $74,000, $500 dn. 2br puest Gvt ROWELL REALTY 946-5311 4br.

2ba McCrmk Rnch AC evap, gas, oas. wtnr nca pool lar, misted patio 8. garden. pls may stay. 2iuust, cps Ot.

Si entraae tor bctsai 1 CTM246-0835991-O338 LOW if BY OWNER BEST HOUSE SCOTTSDALE NOOIIAI LOAN I BR 2 BA, 2000 sq ft vvun. views, owner transt, neartDroken. New tne, paint, 8, appls. ipadous, low malm, van lacks on scotts Green Bel PITI $830mo. Assume $86,000 1st 8, pay $22K CTM.

mav cons ner sma jnn. nr ce jiub.uuu. optN sun 10740 E. Mescal 451 -8992 10-6 OUGHT Another Must Sell, 4br. larae lot.

Immac. Reduced from $161 to 1154K. Assum. 9W, Mtg. 482-775? BUILDER CLOSEOUT IS HOME Is closing out HASE I aTthe RETREAT bv offering special terms and 1 us nomes pnceo no Scottsdale community.

Get In on Ql reaf opportunity this weekend! RETREAT II At SweetwAter A 9uth St 391-9310 US Home, EHO BUILDER CLOSEOUT 1 left) 2br, 2ba llrcplace, sec system, tile kitchen baths neated pool spa tennis court, yuMboytn ot cactus, cose Homes 957-8338 or 860-0600 Builder's custom home to hum At 50th SfGreenwav Must sell Repo. Mln. 1300s! 42u-yy4y, yy i -ub2 1 BY ANXIOUS OWNER-no re attor fees keeps price lowest in area! jor 2Da aen, syrs, $130K, Cactus91 St. 867-6237 Bv Owner. McCormlck Ranch Quiet cul de sac.

4Br Golden Heritage. 2540 soft. $169,500 V5l-UVIOri)4U-o45 BY OWNER OC. CArnnrf NICE 3BR 2BA frplc, chlldsate mable, low CTM, near schls 8. shopping.

OPEN sat-sun appt only y49-1 35V BY owner no qua! PV area 3br, lba, pool, oversize lot 18011 sq ft $11K dn $102K Glve-away, transferred! 953-2957 By Owner. N. Sctsdl. 3Br patio hm. 2 yrs old.

Rec area htd pool. $99,000 998-3803 BY Owner Open SatSun, 12-5, F4P4? t. bneriaan, wr, I'aoa, reduced $86,500 946-5963 Clean 4bd, 2ba, split level wlg tarn iy rm, wct-Dar, garage, pool, $109,500. Call LYNN SINGER 996-7763948-0550 JOHN HALL ASSOC. CUL DE SAC LOT br, 2ba, 1676 sq.ft.

formal din room custom kit laundry rm, all appliances slay light airy, 2 car carppn a. more. tail BONNIt T. 948-o: 0550 JOHN HALL 8. ASSOC.

OWNER 4BR 2BA SPLIT, No-bcotts, trpi, pool, sxy-lights, sec sys, yltd clngs frnch drs thru $17ik. 996-6077 FIX-UP Steal) BR Horse Property N.Sddl on 12 acre, 4 Horse Stalls, Pool, Incredibly Priced, Make Offer. Low CTM. Re duced fo $119,900. "Stuart' Realty xecutlves 189-8624.

FORECLOSURE Out of state, owner lust got property back Reduced to sell quickly Gain larpc equity Now uniy 11 isaian i. rap home 1 i nea ar Shea 8. 104th St In area of homes In excellent condition arce N-S corner lot 4br3b 2CO home with Ig pool-circ drlve-secty svs and many more xtras There Is a large assumable Joan It was lasf sold at -or more into can tMAX bxcanour i.w. Great Deal. Stop Foreclosure.

Lrg nome. 4br, pool, earn, acre. Immac Horse setup. Hurry. Shea84 St.

$175,000 Owneragent 991-6469 I am 1230-luxum Homes $200,000 Up AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Phoenix Only Luxury High-Rise Crystal Point presents stories of elegant skyline vino ine aazzung new conoon ie uaiumu new cyiiuuiiim- urn tower across from rom me Phoenix Country Club. Pr ces from $295,000 to mllll ft: Moaeis open gaiiy. iu4i Osborn Road, 277-3040. CRYSTAL POINT 277-3040 Robert T. Schmidt Associates broker AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AZ BILTMORE VILLA GOLF COURSE OPEN 1-5 Fresh on the market with Slorlous views, mpeccable-ome with vaulted ceilings, replace, tile garage, beautiful easycare yard with sweeping views ol tne wis.

ev skyline. M82 n. 28 place LEE PAYNE.CRS 997-7324 The Biltmore Specialist Realty Executives 840-7279ev AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA TAKE A HIKE from the backyard of this North Mountain Preserve 3000sqft home. Then come Dacx to smen me watch the garden car oarage, vaun large tamiiy room, Many extras. oy OPEN Owner.

996-9863 HOUSE TODAY 11 st Eva Street, Phoei i 3211 East loenlx AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NORTH CENTRAL Incredible 4BR, oyer 3300 SF, imi, uame im shelter too! Near Pal Golf Course. Redycei Jacques vv6- Keany executives, AAAALOOKOUT MTNJ105 North va lev VIEWSICstm Immaculate 4bd, fam rm, skylltes, fplc, 2315sqft, 2 Gar. $164,900 ALL SAV 992-7622 AAAA 4000SQFT 108 uesperateuivorce, 4sparm 2 fam.rooms, 2garege, double pool, quality Duiit, sharp $199K! 992-7622 ALL SAV HHBHHBDBH AAA JUST DO IT YES, Trade In your home for Newl Use vpur equity for down payment on a new custom home. Why settle for tract? 16 successful trades last year. Please cal me for free details.

Steve 483-6063 Broker DBWF JOHN HALL ASbOL V5J-4UUU AAA Arcadia new on market outstanding family hm on a I rentier street in Arcaaia. pdated throughout, charm- ing 4br 3ba ranch on lush acre fnca pool wonaertui ya Hopi School by owner 6311 E.Monteclto. 990-2525 AAA NEW-CUSTOM 106 4bd, 3ba, 3gar, 2800sq.ft. Hlllsldc-Vlews-Assumab Fixed Rate, TERMS, extras! $219,900 ALL SAV 992-7622 AAA NEW HOMI 5br 3ba, 3 car gar, 3300sqft, great views, NS cul-de-sac, TRADE-IN YOUR HOME SZlUiVUV. Homes 437-8035 AAA TENNIS LIGHTED itate Home! Only $325,0 ican grove area.

Randy Executives 996-9910. AA RANK RFPOI 3BED, 3BA, 2 story petlo home on the golf course! oreai mm ews, ipw oown mti ow down. below mkt Interest! 266 Az biiimore cir, i Realty Execuflyes, lore 18, $590,000 cuTives, Neil 996-9910 AA MUST SELL -TRADES Welcome! 4BED, 4BA, luxury home w3 car garage, fencea pool spa, vaulted tongue groove ceilings, 3 fireplaces, uax wooaworx tnruoyn i ons of extras 435? North 1 ane. A steal at $399,900 Realty txecuiives, wen wo-vyiu AA OPEN HOUSE 12-5 SUN. 4A1 I View Rd.

4400sf. this house nas everything $395,000. priced way below replacement value. 971-6570 Joe BY OWNER A A Owner Transferred! Must sell ASAP! 4BED-spllt, 4BA, fenced pool, Immaculate In out. Approx 3500 sq ft custom bull! In 1986 on over- zea ot.

1042 422 43rd PI. Realty Executives A A OWNER WILL rfllttle down! Assume very low nferest loan. 4BED-sollt. 3BA, pool spa, Berber carpet, tons ot me. only Realfv yyu.

IU410 rt. 42no n. txecuiives V96-vviu AA PRIVACY VIEWSI Backs common preserve area in cui-ae-sac. 4tu-spin, Ida, car garage, pool. Annrnv Mt nf Acre 441.

Turquoise. $239,900. Really Executives, Neil 996-9910 AA REDUCED! 3BED den, 3BA, pool, mnt vfews city lights, Open loor- lan in mint conaii on. 4402 invx sjv.vuu Kea tv Executives, Nell 996-9910 AA RIDE YOUR HORSE 0 wni preserve! an I. I BA, pool spa on oyer 1 ere wtop norse taciiiiies, flexlcan (He, 2 fireplaces, iver 3300 sq ft.

10250 39th t. DO. Realty Execu- Ives, Neil iil-h Tyo-rr iv, I o-vyiu 7 STCoral Gables .107 best price, 4bd, 3ba, 3par. BLpRSSPECIAL-wWrncI: pool 4- Indsrne. value Mountain VIEWS, open flrpln 992-7622 ALL SAV ARCADIA AREA.

Open Houses In a tucked awav-area ot custom nc each on ere lots. 3123 STRE 15,01 3BA remod wcharm. TO. remodeled TO TO 4. A courtyard wfounta gives vou an Inoutdoor na stv e.

3112 N. 53rd 4BR, 3BA remodeled home wspaclous new cusfoni kitchen, oak cabinets, wood tioors 1 MWP 840-2363955-0505. ARIZONA BILTMORE Golfcourse patio home pooispa J6U0 St Villa on the golf course open today $285,000 Colony 3BR patio home new on market $185,000 Colony 2br patio hm, many penthouse 3br beau- mi sxviine views Courts 2BR furnished, mint turnisnt w.5nn conomon Courts 2BR furnished, giveaway at jusi penthouse 2BR skyline mtn views, PAYNE.CRS 997-7324 niiibtvnw wwi aw The Biltmore Specialist Realty Executives 840-7279ev A ICT AAA A I ITVI Spacious 4 br 3ba, 3365sqh toe pqnus rm upsrairs, car gar, 2 trpis, aramanc open pian, Mtn Preserve area. 28ti 7 1- 10. A no qualifying OWC custom home 3 bdrm, 2 bath, acre, N.

.1 Vj II. 1. MtO 5-3702 Sctsdle foothills. Low i an. A 585 appraisal A PARADISE Maktuf 3500sf.

Cut to $264,900. Loaded. 7333 E. Paradise Dr. AKtA, y66-4llj Jor 991-3471.

A P.V. REPO! Open for close Inspection 1-4 today. Demand location makes "fast" action a must New on market 4BR3BA In exclusive location. This low mmediate response. 5448 Lupine.

JARSON 953-4000 996-5195 JOHN HALL i ASSOC A STEAL-BILTMORE fantastic Golfcourse 8, Mtn's. Extra Ig. lot Inclusive Bi tmore Greens area. Entertainers dream. Open, bright, ultimate master suite.

Reduced to only 389,000. Hurry Wont Last! a Donna Merkel 99B-J992 ealty Executives jrpw. Pool, iea cemnus, 4BR 2'ABA irzu.ww 376-7474 1 biro a 4iHK. home 1 uptN m. MAKUA LONNtL- LY-rAlLHtLLltKKA MARkFTING 18 11 a in 8 for A a that the On bed This $200,000 Up i Citrus Groves i si.

Aoor. be Terms. Call 396-4867. Mtn Prsv hm, 3OQ0sf.

4br 3ba, fo. )i, ra-eiev. IU4 14 M. $289 Owner 971-1 MUST Sell, HaydenShea 4Br, swim year rouna, loiar nn pool, loaded lux home. Price New Waterfront Homes Prestigious Sctsdl Ranch $30,000 Below Appralsal-3br, 3ba, Pool, Oak, floor, Corlan Counters 20 ft Tongue Groove ceilings Flagstone Pa- tiii views, uiiueiipvqun: Pre-Ojpenlng special starting at $24u000-Dlane or Mark at 953-4000 JOHN HALL ONLY SQ MUCH LAN I HIIMh A I 5P.A OPEN HOUSE Sun 1-4, Scoftdale Ranch, 2500sf, 4br 2Vba, poorspa, sec svs.

cul de sac. formal dTnnmgllvrng rm. 860-2308 9194 103 si. Asking $2 OPEN SUN 12 4 9605 N. 106th WAY 4Rdr 3 Car Gar 3)73 tf Pool Gazebo Gated Com Tennis 1331 REBECCA PONT Really Executives I6-I5M W-7324 OPEN 1-4 7833 N.

7th ST. TWs.iTL' OK 4ZUUSI architect designed nome. uramanc 41 mAstpr culte uf Ibr, Elace, vaufted beamec igs, country kitchen, irge lot, tree-lined drlv cell- extra orlv tlfulv lye, pool spa In beautifully land- scaped setting. $429,000 or will JEFF POLTT REALTY Z7y-23UO OPEN 1-5 Ask guard for direct ons to 21 Gof fnttaofs. furnished 8, unfurnished con-do's, townhomes, and free- Vol i fia' standing homes For Sale.

ranging In price from $109,900 io Lome oy looay or ca ior rr vaie 5now nas. REALTY EXECUTIVES' 998-0676 PARADISE VALLEY OPEN 2-5 3933 RANCHQ (N of Stanford) Great 45 BR family home. each BR wown bath. Eat-In kitchen, spacious fam rm wnrepi, views ot cameiDacx Mtn AAonk. Extra ooo 3 car garage, plenty of room for RV's boats.

Walk to Phx Country Day. Priced fo sell fast at $495,000. ANNA AN- fast demla 954-688 Nl 954-9199 The Pn ne pru- a Ar 7Qna Keany -6888 PARADISE VALLEY Super Mummy Mtn views on ac, 4Br5Ba, SC pool, upaaiea, qu ei iam neignoor-hood. walk to Cherokee sch $244,000 by owner 951-0474 PHOENIX Country Club Es tate 4uuusqn, pool. Keaucea to 285-I 5 PHX.

Country Club, 5400si a pool, guest house. $481 iwner WIN nance. Anv oner considered. 370-3447, 267-1479 PRICED RIGHT FOROIICK SAI utlful 4BR2V2BA home luiet street in Mccormick Ranch, orcat euro appea 1 nr green lawn. 2uu approx.

Neutral decor, ers. vau reo ce nnas. Dlare. Pool, covered Datlo. 8325Z3 $242,500 K.

burlCSOn PROTECTED! Price re duced on terrlf Territorial In Clearwater Hills 3BR, pool, beaut fu ews. wonder- lor eoam na emer- alnlng. Now $360,000. 1-5 SON. Ask at gatehoi for appt, DAN 147-5683 949-8000.

IU. UftN use or ANCY OASIS CDS lot, lovely nome dv int. Designer owner, gracious, warm 8. Immaculate. Call SUSIE M.

948-2265 or JUY V46-6JJ6 y4y-BUUU. GOLF COURSE Hi HOME poor open 1-5 sai SUN Fairways view, private pool. Family Rm. wflreplace, tfled Arizona lust painrea, a real ouy. rtavoei VenturA W.

in to Sierra, S. to Via Marina. Call DWIGHT 471-1447 Or PAM 391-1169 949-8000 KtUULtUI 4tJK 2BA, fireplaces, 31. so Rlit, Lo. lo! ill patfo, tohl it Sllle.

Besi wLg. pool and fu woodwork, carpel buy Tn area. Take Havden to E. Sutton, E. fo property or Call PAM 391-1169 DWIGHT 471-14477 949-8000 Tom Jackson and Associates, Inc.

OlBetter ITii P.V.FIXUP Views, 1 13 acre, 2700 sq, ft. DOol, 3 BD, Vh BA, I seller wants to sell Mlchal.Po- nawsKi Realty txecuiives iyo-uo0 PV TAKE OVER PAYMENTS w10 an. iac, juuusi, pool, spa, Must sell 998-4686 ownagt REDUCED! REDUCED! Another $10,000 6341 Hlllcrest, Scottsdale Prestigious custom home, contemporary design, adjacent to Phoenician. 4br, 2'jba, atrium, great room wflrepla-ace, new carpet throughout, ceramic tile on kitchen counters, owner anxious to sell. $310,000.

Pete or Ray at Falrmount Corp 994-9267 REDUCED 150.000! Custom 4 br 3 plus pa, diving pool, large lot, plus guest nouse. Ns exposure! now asking Call now for OeiailS! ALAN 0. KIKA V46- 8464948-0550 JOHN HALL ASSOC. SALE or Lease. Paradise Hts.

pool, acre $225,000 391-9362 1 NINfi BIL RE AREA Fantastic sti location. Large Master wwalk-ln cios- etdresslng area. Bright, oi ipen ick- tchen. fam room. Bac yard paradise wpooi, spa, mui I LVUI uaiii IIVU9C.

jjb.uuu L.Lonnor VERY SECLUDED Town of Paradise. Valley built ivbu outstanding views. Great room concept with den, bedrooms Vh baths Pod Spa. You will bye this loca-flon. $375,000 FRED SHAPIRO 948-9450 Realty executives Elegant custom on large citrus lot In private NE Mesa subdivision.

4Br, 3ba, 3 car garage, unique custom pool spa, Upgrades too numerous iisi. uuy ai 834-7372 owneragent. open 1818 PALMCROFT DR. NE SUNDAY 1-5PM Classic restoration. Refreshing, refined.

4BR4BA, sensational gourmet kitchen. Game room. Large backyard. Lovely Encanto area. M.van- 2302 E.COLT ER IAY 1-5PM Lowest orlce In Bartle left Es- fates.

Updated kitchen, new arpet S. painf. 3BR2BA, fireplace, 3 car garage. Mtn views, horses allowed. ON CAMELBACK MT.

FOR A HOMEf 4 BEDROOM, 957-9B309V6-6I 6 y5-ybJUB4U-6 15 P80524I. cur st, ft sq 1255-Scottsdale AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA US GOVT SALE SAVE DOWN II SHEA 4 108th ST Save $31,000. 4br 2ba, 2020sf, AC, bultf '83. 2 car oarage, comps $121,000 list $92,000 call BELL58th ST Save $18,000. 2br 1'2ba, 960sf, MumiiM' CALL DOWN BCHOLLA 86ttiSTD Save $40,000.

3br 2ba, 2100sf, ftm.oto N0WI 87th STOSBORN Save $21,000. 3br 2ba, 1396sf, ALL DOWN HAYDEN McDONALD Saye 2br lba, 924 St.PU It '4, AC, IISI CALL NOW. DOWN Over 500 additional properties avaiiaoie. loii tor more inio, ree list, tree pru-quainying. Complete RtC Listings 957-2114 Available 7 DaysWk EHO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BBBBBBBBB AA GOVT SPECIAL! HAYDEN McDONALD SAVE Sold in 84 for $116,000, asking Lovely 3br, FP, dive poo vauns, private ci lot, fountain garage.

vaults, private cul de sac nn garai 110 ST SHEA SAVE Area sales to $131,000, asking Lovely 2020sf 4br big tarn rm, great masier av ga rage. Only $50P down! 96 ST CACTUS Mvr tii; nnnn vnih Area Ales tn (103.000. Asklnf Loyeiy isust vaults, great mtn views views garage, only ssuu aowm KATHIE HULSEY 955-4007 or 948-0550 HELPING YOU WIN! JOHN HALL ASSOC EHO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IBBBBBBBI A GOV'T SALE ONLY $500 DOWN 94th St Cactus Inrredlhle mtn view with gorgeous 3br 2ba, fam rm form din. Last sold $102,500 asking only $88,000. EHO.

SANDY at Realty Network AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MR. FIX-IT! McCormlck Ranch Repo Bargain, backs to Greenbelt area of $200K homes) 4 bdrm, 3 baths, priced for rmmed. sale AS-1S" OPEN 1-5, Drive Shea to kiih fit. South tn Arabian pi, soutn to REALTY EXECUTIVES' RICH OUSTAFERROI 996-9910 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BBBBBBBBB A GOVT FIXUP! SAVE NEEDS MAJOR WORK! Area values to $176,000 asking Could be fabulous 3br 2125sf, flreplc, formal dining 8, great living estate on approx, an acre oi ai wur lis Is A th anraeous mtn. 'lews, inisisarareoopt'i Is Isarareoppf'yl call nuw t.y.H.

I I NOW- KEN WELi KEN WtLLM 1 948-5554 WEST USA REALTY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, REDUCED for QUICK SALE HayaenMcuonaia rC-lRARADISE ytllVIEW ffl S. IPROPERTIES 263-8666 or 377-5799 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A Better Wav Of Llvlna JUST DO ITf-McCormlt Ranch open house Sun 1 1 fo 10012 N. 77 Place 4br 2'2ba, 2669sf. Call Mai 228-5827, Booth Assoc. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ASSUME S117MVA bd 3ba dining 2 frplcs, guest, mstr suite, pool, i14Tpitv $165M,, LarKln 94B- 0550 John Han 8.

assoc. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA LUXURY FORECLOSURE Lrg 4br3ba, fndoor spa, pool, putting green. 2900 st IvaDfe uniy K.evin yyi-B' The Property Exchange AAAAAA REDUCED 51,0001 Was 239,0007 Now 187,9001 Views! Views! 4BR, 3BA on nearly an acre, pool fire piace 4 car garage, tioen Moore, Realty Executives AAAAA "McCormlck Ranch Home' wTlftrade for Biltmore area home. Cell planna 841-1598 NU-WAY ow Down No Quallfyl 30 YR fixed existing 1 down 4 br. pool a.

fireplace, over 2460 sq.ff. vaulted ceilings, sitting area In master 169, 900 or offer. Elden Moore, Really Executives yye-yy2 AAA MCCORMICK RANCH REL0 BEST BUY 179.900 bedroom 23A bath Custom 2878 so ft Quiet CDS storage pigs mjii tne root vocnise school QL. BARBARA BARTLETT 996- REMAX Excalibur 483-3333 AAA Powderhorn Ranch 10115 E. Larkspur Open 1-1 Builders own home with al goodies! 4-5 Bdrm, master split, white washed cab.

ream kitchen, lush landtc Rita Zeiti eatty txecuiives m-tyri, 0-8716 3BR, Az rm, ACevap, vuri rL seller will ca clean. 60 StH Walter 996-98M iier win carry, anxious. Hearn 00 Hse Hunters AA BEST BUY AA McCormlck Ranch Onlv $109,000 BD. Pool. Spa, New.Cpt, tresnpnt, inis Ti its one will go Fasf! 7526 Via De La Cam pana Bob Bullock, Realty Ex ecutlves 998-2992.

AAIT'S PERFECT! 4 Bed-split, 3BA, poot spa, Eix 2400 sqrt (hat looks I new! Newer carpet. Is light A open. New on mkt, 7002 Frelss $144,900. Realty fcxecutives 9y6-yvio neii. A A LUXURY 'ATIO HOMEI IRA.

flreolace. 3BED-SPIII, i garage, over TOO sq ft In Hop condition! Reduced to 9677 button. Realty Executives, Nell 996-9910 4 BY 1 $200,000 Up ATTENTION ui If you are tookl location profi p*rnood, this for you. This looking for Quality, ess nnai ne an- Is the property vou. This Drorjertv separate guest house, comm' I.

ma hse spacious. form. ining, loe Hying rm wlrpl. manv features to ran ion. Owner fooWng for Offer, $495,000 A 495,008 8, owner may v.

nease can June Jim Kiiy A SPECIAL PROPERTY 11859 N. 80th PI. 1359,500 open bai bun 1-5. Airnosi ew pano nome ouse on. scottsdale ion course.

ifn. views. 3 or i Realty BARGAIN Of The Century bcoifsdaie, top Quality throughout, this 4br 3ba lux yry home, Exceptional oppor tunny, Keaucea to Immediately at $319,900. now John Birsner, Realty ecutlves, 997-7324 Builders NE Sets 5Br 3Ba 2yrs newiXiras. steal apr $400K BY OWNFR nrlu 4hr PV hi iclc has evervfhlno lameioaci vfews, $349,900 952-2442.

CAMELBCK Foothills Iseopt. 4BK joa wguesr nouseotti J'ool, spa over 3000sq It new hrouehout, S2950mo 100 towaros purchase, 966-Q631 DBIDDIBBI CUSTOM BUILT BY OWNER 4BR, 3 Acre Lot Beautiful block constructed paraaise vauev custom home. Tile roof, 3 car garage, huge 25'xi9' family room with welbar. vaulted celllnas. planked wood flooring, 3620 I en- sq i-i, 2 nrepiaces, twin a ap coonng unit, av efficient feah gourmet kitchen, exce vaiue.

Please Call Today! 866-0496i Rod or Susie Gaston Realty Executives D1IDBIB1B DESERT HIGHLANDS NFW I ISTING Lowest price home In Desert Hlahlands Annrnx 3BOO sa ft Assumable loan with low .8 er own omemporary soutnwesi- ern Drama' fer sum itic views irom mas- Must see! oiterea ai Call JOANNE BRADLEY 585-96767948-Q550 JOHN HALL ASSOC. COMHtTt MEAL tJTAtt URVKI FABULOUS Family executive, home on ni ipi sireei wiamasi tantastic views of Camelback Mtn. 4BR4BA. weai location. FIRST CLASS PLEASE Comtemporajy J7J5 E.

Orchid Mtn. Views 4711 E. Quartz Mt tiisn.nrai Phx. C.Club 85 Country Club $675,000 Adobe 2930 E. Manor Dr.

$919,500 Call Greg 264-0605 hjealtv vjes GOLF COURSE HOME Needs TLC S2397000 at bt Mn. snaaows 3 br. Mt views, guard gate aran Rpsser eanv txecuiives yys-ui i676 HIGH ON A HILLII builder "must over 4000 st custom home, lrg estate sizeo kjt, 4ur, 4 nrepic car oar, pool, much more. Asking $299,000. Hurry, beat the bank call 24nr not nn hot Tine 389-8180 UICI ui awe, wesiubA MAJOR PRICE Was now $349,000 1DK, iftiy UUtlUS IUUIII, luiicq ceilings, mq an ceilings, htd.popl.

on acre! 8824 N. 57th St. Stoi by sunaay 12-4. tum ELL 860-9618 The Prudential Arizona Realty 95' iealfy MAKE YOUR OPEN HOUSE STANDOUT WITH THIS IN YOUR NEXT AD! Use an "Open House" When You Place Your Ad REPUBLICGAZETTE Classified Call 256-9111 or Classified Advertising Representative TOUr MCCORMICK RANCH dra malic custom 4br 2ba, 2500 sq iiuine, UUHI III irou. wtrjuutf.

patio. Immac, must see to appreciate. Open House Sun i-or can tor appt yai-ioyi Mountain View Estates This gracious Frank Lloyd ht design features drms, 2'j baths, new gour- rnet kit, new carpets, shutters, beautiful decor, full, tile roof, pool, spa, ramaaa, all on quiet cul-de-sac In agem of neignDornooa. 4o un V. OoenSun RITTER GREGSON.

948-0550 JOHN HALL AbSULj CITY LIGHTS" Spectacular 4 BR on Yh acres Ni- srnnLnA nnn- structcd ylews of the Mountain city lights. Over 3600 soft. This home Includes "gor- naAiit rimihln GlHnH" nnu. replace, vaulted ceilings, un-elfevable eat-in kitchen, what views. MBRW own rock flrepace, large 3 car garage total privacy.

Only mKAur eXeihtives MICHAEL O'NEILL 998-0676 MUST SELL unnlna 3br 3ba Frank I tovd wriont in iwcLormicn Kancn. OPbN SUNDAY I-SDm Cell for directions 948-5554 W. ponai dcr, West USA Rlty NEWER Custom Home In Mc-Cormick Ranch light bright, Immac. Inside out. 32 den, pool.

7514 Via pe La Escuela, Asking $240,000. cai directions. 948-9367 NEWON MARKET lriltlonal eleaance on laroe beautiful lof wpodf ews! spacious kitchen, breakfast area open to large family rojy i 6 55 NEW TO MARKET near ACRE of lush landscaping In the Cent. Corr. with unique 8, charming home allows full enloyment of private paradise $399,000 DRAMATIC CONTEMPORARY beaut.

Cent. Corr. street, cony, fo Bulter Park, this 4 study home has wonderful windows bringing the outside la $289,000 BILTMORE BARGAIN gorgeous "Villa" hs been reduced to set. Wonder-full privacy, "Views' light open wnandsome decor. $255,000 COLLEEN CYORI Realty Executives 997-7324 274-5811 new pano nome witn guesi house on Scottsdale Country Club Golf Course.

Lake and Mtn. views. 3 or 4 BRs. mode The Prudential Arizona 954-6888 t-ui vi lea poo HH2U826. t.singn room in 3 iu i HORSE PROP.Gorgeous cust.

home 4br 3ba, frplc, vlfd cello, pool, 3 coar, barnpastures. $250,000. 391-9774 owner agnt INCREDIBLE PARKLIKE VARD 10248 E. Charter Oak OrOpen -S Looking for a view, great 4 bd wpool, almost an acre whorse jet up Smore? Beautiful NE Sets ome may belfl Joan Kasslck 24I-UI5W-4I 1-800-266-7471 :h.m.i:m.m- IN SEARCH OF No down, no qualifying. Large us oeoroom wl peoroom witn pool, in Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, erree Areas, rrivate Party 443-B76; '62 LARGE POOL goes with this 3 br, 2 ba loads ot storage more-Laii bun storage mi T.

948-055C ASSOC. Nl 150 JOHN HALL AS! LEASEouchase 4br. 2300sf. corner ioi, car gar. peautitui city view, $1425mo.

493-0730 Location Location Location 4br 2ba, 2400sf, PV Mall arei SChlS. $99K. 996-B729 LOOK! NO LOAN COST NO CREDIT REPORT NO INCOME STATEMNTS ASSUMABLE NO QUALIFY LOW DOWN OVER 60 HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM Gary Lancaster 998-0676 SPFCIAI I7INGIN NON-QUALIFYING HUmbS LOW DOWN-NO QUALIFY 3 br, 2ba family room, garage reaucea suuui waiters y53-4000eve 494 V640JOHN HALLS. ASSOC LOW, LOW DOWN No aua fv no. 2,3,4 bdrms a areas.

BOB ZUSSMAN 948 0550 JOHN HALL ft ASSOC. MCCORMICK RANCH Wal IK to LOCh sc hlse Elementary, Parks Lakes. 1)4 bedroom, fenced pool, ILtih rn tt n. rirt r- r. iuwu

muici contractors own loaded ii- wextras bullt-lns, newer, $198,500. 2) 3 bdrm, steal, like new, pool spa reduced fo $149,900 3) 4 bdrm office, 3bafh, pool 4)4 bedroom, backs to green! IDL'II, model perfect, AAIKF WOI FF Realty Executives 998-2992 MOUNT AIM UIFJ Model sharp 3 bedroom home backing to large desert walkway affording panoramic mountain views. Lowest price in area at MIKE W6LFE Realty Executives 998-2992 MOVING, Must sell beautiful 4Dr 20a, tencea pool. i-ti assumauie. Keaucea to 52na Mureenway.

appt oniy. yyo-oi MOVING TO ARIZONA! FOR HOME INFO CAI I 1-805-288-3172 WEST USA Ml AA4 Iaimc ner'transfered-wants sold rm 1l tnA HAB tn ft upgrades throughput-natural QHS-Svrs nlrf CaII JOYCE MURPHY 860-69487948-0550 JOHN HALL ASSOC. EW custom home. S995.OO0. reaucea irom ijo.uuu, N.

iconsaaie area. 4Dr aoa, spilt, Ibl-slded frplc. 25409 Bronco Trail. 569-6955 New Listing nunc luwiiiiuusc ileal Mai rs, hopping, schools dus 3 bd Vjba covered parking. Anx- ous seller.

On $79,900 all LANA L. 994-8189 Or 948-0550 JOHN HALL ASSOC. NICE cul-de-sac 3br N. 103 By owner 1-800-266-282i msg NO credit check, low down. ip, lyuusq n.

yya-zuyi I Hartneck Realty. NO QUALIFYING Low Cash lo mrto to assumi oan, or, t-enceo kooi Great open floor plan, Good iu iii mu lo un nuc, Scotts location near Saguaro ah schoo -on J114.900- Charlle Mulls 953-4000 JOHN HALL 8, ASSOC ONE-OF-A KIND! Just listed! Immaculate-like new 3500sf Dix beautyl 4Br split plan. White, tight bright. Upgrades galore-lncl security. 2 Irolcs.

solar htd pool. tile roof, premium lot, mtn views, top location, pricea to en. won iasn Laii tsua 60-8081 Valley HomeFlnders OPEN SUNDAY 2PM-6PM 10745 Becker I pool, frplc, fans, tile, shutters, assume Wi FHA, $105,900. OwnerAgenf 860-1804 OPEN SUN 12-4 losiu noi ntisT Scotlsdale Rancn Heritage premium greenbelt ot 3 bedroom, den, model perfect CUERNAV AC $278,000 est Buv area Fleoant SW leslgn by Edmunds over 3,000 qn. arah Rosser 991-5327 998-0676 eaity txecuiives OPEN SUN 12-4 D.m.

5837 E. LeMarche tile rooi, lour Dearooms, premium lot. Great neighborhood near parks top schools. arrv O. Realty Executives yyo-wiu.

Open Sun 1-5. Builder acqulrec caII m. sen, 4RR. uautei I ceilings, like new kits, lust under 1 ac of parking like yard, Reducec $50,000. ri.of Shea to 6115 Mescal, cnariie yv6-99io Ke- alty Executives OPEN SUN 12-4 ownerapt charmlnc 2BA nestled on Piarniiot fire Inrn nnnl security svs.

S93.000. 2525 65 St 941-2303 OPEN 1 -4 PRIf FOSI ASHFDI! Must SArrlllce North Ranch patio home loaded warpenl- les. soaring vaulted ceilings, wet bar and Dlush new carpets, Over 1750 F. Immaculate condition. Pool, spa, ennis, cos 101.

123,. Keany xecutlves, 1 om Havey wo- IU6201 1. Keiton. BY OWNER OPEN 1-5 SAT-SUN ew 01 iviins. in Beautiful landscaped pool area from your spacious kit.

lam rm. Immac 34 BR, 2BA, open oor plan wformaT no dining many upgrades. Under $T60K. Make offer. Must see to appreciate, jyi-ia.

OWNERS FORCED TO SELL Model perfect home, newly remodeled. Must, see. open Hpru em Noon-4. atlno. of Hayden Ian 951-0177 OWNER-Lrg 5br2 mast, Mbr, frpl, Az rm, pool, acre, 4-car, block, low $150s neg 991-761 7 PRICED TO SELL 1708 sq.ft.

4 br, 2ba, large fam rm, refrigeration, sellers motivated, assumable loan, no isking V4B-U55U ASSOC. JOHN HALLS QUALITY PLUS LOCATION end below market financing tn 4 oearoom 2 oatn tami nome. Two car oaraoe. lAm tv rnnm witn nrepace and sparkling pool. Horizon High School Reduced to 500.

653? E. Lamino samo Vivian ni'nw REALTY eecvttves 9450 948-6426 upen House i-j REALTY I EXECUTIVES 4 8 pi nr 2 SPACIOUS custom JS custom hmon2k idia. 3126sf, $129,01 Realty Tnt'l945-4l lots ff in Arcai Maurice, it BY OWNER Sweetwater Ranch, prem. lot, 32, 1800sf, pool, spas, tennis, OPEN SatSun IJ225 N. 94tn WaV.

860-0093 TOTALLY remodeled, 2035 sq ft pooli fireplace, $112,500. Maurice, Realty Inf'l 945-41 4 1 TRADE your home on a new cusTom dumi nome, energy en wlnsulated vylndows, frplc, sec. Intercom. 838-4686 TRANSFERRED-Beau Mc- i-ormicK Kncn nm, i-pcmse Scl cyldesac, pool, wshd kchn today! 483-0946 WOW! Model sharp near new 4 I SF, ocauilful decor, FP, upgraded floorlm BR, 2- 2IU4 yyav FP, upgraded flooring 8, fixtures, mirrors, tile roof, cnita sate tenceo pool more, Assume no gyal. low Interest loan.

$156,005. Joe Brekan BJi-ioio Realty Executives. ir BY OWNER ic You will LOVE this one! bright, lite spacious, 4br inani, me spacious, Vjpa, sunken LR, formal ivjpa, sunxen lk, tormai am rm. country kl PI- Mini nnuKti New to mxr. cond.

$139,000. 943-0555 $2000 down assume FHA. 2Br 2ta, new air, gas turnace, new block wall alarm. Nice quiet area, xlnt cond 945-5093 $6900 CU NO QUALIFY Uporaded 3Bd 2Ba $555mo PITI Price 10.APR 28vrs 78th StRoosevelFred M. 948-9450990-0266 ReaftV Executives Principles only.

0 DOWN Cheaper than rentl 3uanty for $228,000, pay your osing costs move In. 3200 sqft 5br on 1 ac. Call Schnepf Properties 252-5822, 488-2772, 112lhShea, 4br, 3ba wpool spa, 2500sl, $164,900 New Custom 90thSweetwa-ter, 4br, 2'2ba, 3 car gar, sun deck, 2400sf, $159,900 Custom hlrio Int. 96ChnHa. last jot In exclusive nelghbor- luuu, THE BUYERS SOURCE 451-0040 Kenneth Bates 2BR 2BA, assumable, no qual, great location, Mau- rice, Keanyini iy4a-4i4i 2BR 2ba TH, 2 car garage, yarq, eyj i-ha assumauie $9000 CTM, 860-8527 On 1 Ulll ol.

1800sf, Tjest location. Maurice, Realty int'l 945-4141 3BR, frplf, pool, $88,000 VA assumaDie, no quai, si 14, sou. Maurice, Realty Int'l 945-4141 3BR2BAA 1 AC, 1562sf. upgri tAZrmVscM, aded 1 5 SI rear PKgpa 994-8906 IBR 2BA Patio Home, Saltilk) file. Hardwood flooring.

Spa. Alarm system. SW doHhout. Steal at $96,900 946-5488 3BR2BA, car aarv pool. auum.

nr 5slCmlbk, 900 By Owner 947-4599 4br2V2ba, 2600 sq ft, 2 car gar. norse prop, tnco va, assume-able loan, $135K. 619-748-4433 or see at 11410 64th St. 4 BEDROOMS ONLY $0 TO LOW 0 -l 4 BED 2 BATH $92,000 0 New NE Scottsdald area. over 20O0sqft, current value fn today's market $121,765, Bit 83, desert yd, Vacant ready to move in.

Specializing In foreclosure, RTC, bank owned, Gov'f cquireq 4 Dearoom nomes. fnr free rietA led rtured booklet of other addresses in your area. JOHN HUNT 991-5711 PRO-FORMANCE REALTY Avail 7 Days a Week sale by ownr, 4br 2ba, Granite Reef Ind Sch, fned pool, $96,800 Owragt 990-2029 1260-Scottsdale CondotTownhoutes AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BBRBBBBIB AA GOVT SPECIAL! SPA 2 FP CAR! SHEA VIA LINDA SAVE Area sales to $116,000, asklnfl Gorgeous patio nome vaults, decks, palms, huge 2x 14 masier wt-f, aiarm ai garage nlv $100 down! KATHIE HULSEY 955-4007 or 948-0550 HELPING YOU WIN! JOHN HALL ASSOC EHfJ AAA AAAAA LIQUIDATION" assmbl loan, $5000 CTM. 3br 2ba, poolspa. 2 car gar.

McCormlck Golf Course. Wll trade car, boat, sngl fam res. Mark 948-5554 West USt AAA zbk 2ba, irpi, fake over $840mo. 279-4691 AAA 2BR2BA condo, dwr frig, coy'd prkg, poof, aw UWL. 831-2383 ALL ready moved, must set our lownnguse, ior 10a, orr Greenbelt, Sweetwater Rrrchf comm tennispool.

Invested siuk wnen new, assume 1 assume )4 vB toiai. uosing M-Bl4tw) Anxious Ownet, Will look at all offers-must sel this Impeccably maintained ih in Norm icons. 20orm, baths, fans, lots of Mex, tile charming back yard. Iwut more. Price reduced 1 Call RHEA 0 BOB GREGSON 948-055 JOHN HALL ASSOC.

A Motivated Seller ays make an offer. Ne' isiinp wccormicx Kancn. id, lba huge park-like ya 'all LANA 994-8189 OT 948 f550 JOHN HALL ASSOC. ASHARP2Brdwnstr Condo owntwn sctsaie, neaieg pool. Great mveslmenf Winter visitors rent for iitwomot only Agent 996-26W Balconv Views bed, 2 bath conoW rcfrM washer, dryer fncl.

$57,000 to 59,900. Some also for rem 506 month. Can MARY KIN0 48-0550 JOHN HALL- ASSOC. LUX PATIO HOME 2BD 2BA ARCADIA EXECUTIVE RETREAT with commercial po- UBLfcAKAfc fgiv A- 40fcACTyS TRADE FOR Mi-Kist iunuu. yy-y2i MARYLAND1 6TH ST.

TOO LONG on the mkt. corp owno zua-tiun. rrpic, uui gar, oitv oak to. 6mos free assc. dues.

Asking $99,900 sold new srVUUU-BS. eniiip leiz Realty Executives 839-2600 Oaul. FHA fully assumable arpe 2br 2ba condo. All appls, roc. extras, new conan on.

32nd ST Bell area. 493-9447 1 lba luxury no qual, 2036 Polnte Tapltlo, lbr. condo, $5900 CTM, $645mo. Kevin 893-1 br, Price Reduced-Low dn. No qual 3 BR 2 BA TH nr PV Mad 1 car gar, fplc, comm pool tpatennls 998-4682 6'i acres at foot of Camelback lenuai, guara gaie, 1 trus orchard, pool, every mmaolnable ammenlty.

7000 saieiease. rameia ea. co*ck Realty Experts 952- 8550 Arcadia-Open Today 1-5PM 5633 E. Lafayette Lender owned Approx 7000 sq gated estate. ComDlellv updated Exercise, steam sewing rooms, hirepi Ireplace, urf.

Only pool, soa, tennis coui jooy Jody BakerBarbara iverson 4481 N. Launlal Corporate owned. Over 5000 ft beautiful contemporary wine cellar tasting room. Pool. Gourmet kitchen.

Zoe NavtorJody Baker Barbara ARCADIA OPEN HOUSE Today 1-5. Beautiful 5000 sq ft, 5BR 6BA home with pool, lavish yard on 1 acre. $650,000 4911 Exeter Century 21-Stalcup Realty H7-4201 iverson 1-M0-266-7471 997-7471 REP IBr, almond applstlle, tile. yvo nxup, pool, n. em Low OWC.

946-781 win, private, seciuoeo wvlew behind electronic gates, $985,000. 992-4023 1245-Wanted Phoenix Aim Hornet GREAT LOCATION PRICE SUPER Model-Like Fountain Hilts Condo. 1 sunny bedrooms with mountain views, verticals, tans, garage, storeroom, walled patio, trees A (pace $46,900. 837-7667 AVOID foreclosure! Sell me your 34 br house tor cash. V96-9959 Mon 9- 12am ABANDONED 42 POOL BEAUTIUFL VIEW Town of MCLormicKoami COI uth kGalney arei me, 248 sf, 3i ,000.

Call gw Executive homi 2'jB, BA. $155, owner 443-36)0, Why USA 991-1770 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Assume no Qualifying Ipw Interest rale loan. 3 Bedroom, snarp-contemporary, excei-ent location. Owner will carry. Linda or Jeff 948-9450 Realty Executives 946 TH Turtle Run, 2BR IBA, many upgrades extras, poollac Open House SAT SUN 776 Morningside Dr SbK oown, win carry, near lake, shops.

OA 998-4686 NO other advertising medium Ipfc vnu reach manv paraaise vauev. 4 bk 2 da. 3700 sf, horse set-up, Cherokee elemenlary, 1 acre I frptcs, pool.Terms available will consider traie, by owner $200,000 Can it at m-837 2BR. like new people at sucn a low cost. pia( ce vour ReDub cGazette today by calling 256-9111 xlnt location.

cov'd prko, pool. $38.1 UUVUVYL 3737 E.Turney. 955-3295.

The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.